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Not accepting the dismissal, Ferdy Sambo sues Jokowi-Kapolri!


Former Kadiv Propam Polri Ferdy Sambo is suing President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN). Why Ferdy Sambo didn’t agree to be fired.

It is stated in website PTUN Jakarta cited detik com, Friday (29/12/2022). The lawsuit is registered under number 476/G/2022/PTUN.JKT. Sitting as defendants are the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Chief of the National Police.

The following is the request from Ferdy Sambo SH SIK MH:

Upheld the plaintiff’s complaint in its entirety;
Declare the decision of the defendant I null and void as decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number. 71/POLRI/Year 2022 concerning the disrespectful dismissal of senior police officers, 26 September 2022;
Ordered Defendant II to place and restore all rights of the plaintiff as a member of the Indonesian National Police;
Punish defendant I and defendant II jointly and severally pay the costs of the matter arising from this matter.

Previously, the National Police had made sure they were ready to face Sambo’s lawsuits, even if he was sued in the State Administrative Court (PTUN).

“Yes, of course, the National Police’s Professional Accountability Bureau (Wabprof) and Legal Division (Divkum) are ready,” National Police Inspector General Public Relations Division Chief Dedi Prasetyo said when contacted on Thursday (22 /9 /2022).

Dedi said the KKEP team’s decision to dismiss the Ferdy Sambo appeal would be final. Even so, she continued, filing a case in the administrative court is a constitutional right of every citizen.

“The findings of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo’s appeal decision are final and binding. Filing a PTUN is a constitutional right of every citizen,” he said.

Ferdy Sambo had previously been sanctioned by the PTDH in relation to the alleged murder of Brigadier Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J). Ferdy Sambo is one of the defendants in the alleged premeditated murder of Yosua. He became a suspect with Putri Candrawathi, Strong Ma’ruf, Bharada Eliezer and Bripka Ricky.

Watch the video ‘Sambo had repeatedly reminded that the events in Magelang were just an illusion’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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