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No refusal for the elderly in nursing homes led to a shortage from both politicians and the national media

The municipality only wanted to give out soft drinks on public holidays, and hold back on weekdays.

A municipality in Sweden introduced a “soft drink ban” at nursing homes. Photo: Erik Johansen / NTB scanpix

In the small town of Gislaved in Sweden, there was a great uproar when the municipality decided that soft drinks should no longer be served at the nursing homes.

– It feels too damn, said Erik Rönnov who lives at the nursing home Mariagården in the municipality to P4 Jönköping.

The reason must have been that the soda outperforms the food, as many older people like sweet things better with age, according to the dietitian at the municipality’s nursing home, Eva Kullenberg.

– The soda adds no quality, and this is part of us serving good food for the ages, and at the same time separating everyday life and parties, she said to Värnamo Nyheter, which first mentioned the case.

Soft drinks were to be served on festive occasions, but not on weekdays.

Issued free soda

Kim Lindström, 35, runs a store in Eksjö. He reacted immediately when he heard about the decision, writes Aftonbladet.

He collected and drove away 480 liters of soda to one of the nursing homes.

– I was just so angry and upset and did not think about it. I think I acted on instinct, he says to the newspaper.

Later it became clear that the municipality had thrown away the soda, as they do not accept gifts.

Several threw themselves into the debate on Twitter, and even Aftonbladet’s lead writer Anders Lindberg gave the small municipality a beating for its proposal.

Notification and re-determination

A local politician was also upset about the ban. Mikael Kindbladh in the Westbo Party has reported the municipality to the police for the ban.

– The municipality can not ban the elderly from drinking soda, he says to Aftonbladet.

He is also critical of the fact that the soda that was given as a gift to the elderly, and not the municipality, has been thrown away. He says it is not clear where the soda has gone, because it was certainly not in the rubbish dump.

The whole soda affair ended up on the rapporteur’s table. She will work to change the decision that has kept the soda from the elderly on weekdays.

“Of course, the elderly should be able to choose to drink soft drinks if they want to. They are adults who must decide for themselves what they drink for food. “, She writes in an e-mail to Aftonbladet.

Then it would be a sweet end for the elderly at Gislaved’s nursing home anyway.

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