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Nîmes supporters denounce how the police blocked them before Marseille – Foot – L1

Guilty of having defied the prefectoral decree limiting their movement to 200 individuals in Marseille, Nîmes supporters remained stranded for several hours on the motorway service area of ​​Lançon de Provence on Saturday, before being forced by the forces of order to turn back to their home, under escort. They were at least twice as numerous as authorized.

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According to Laurent Tourreau, the director of operations of the Gard club, only one of the eight coaches in which the supporters had boarded (that of the Club Central) was able to reach the Orange Vélodrome, where their team (19th) lost its tenth game of the season (1-3) in Ligue 1.

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Some faithful of the Crocos have also complained on social networks of the violent behavior of the CRS, which in particular have made use of tear gas on the highway. Listening to the driver of the bus whose occupants say they were targeted, Sébastien Nass, the situation has “Degenerate” after the said vehicle left the procession which turned back towards Nîmes so that the Gladiators’ ultras could find a bar broadcasting the match.

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“The police thought we were laughing at them. They told us that if we started again, everyone would end up in police custody, testifies the driver. Because of the extended stop at Lançon and my reduced speed, my back door never closed. This is where it went into a spin. They gassed us, they hit the windshield. I opened the front door to try to calm the policeman in front of him, he pushed me with my hand and tried to club my face. When I finally got out on the highway to close the back door, the air was unbreathable. My eyes were irritated, I only saw the police beacons. However, they forced me to continue on the road. We could very well have had an accident. “

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Other clashes took place on the forecourt of the Costières stadium, where videos posted by supporters on social networks show frightened children and new scenes of tension. The prefecture of Bouches-du-Rhône was unreachable on Sunday. Cyril Roure, president of Nemausus 2013 (one of the two main groups of supporters with the Gladiators), called Nîmes supporters present in Lançon on Saturday to go to file a complaint together at the central police station of Nîmes on Monday afternoon.

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