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“nice but he likes to be the chief”, who is Eric Piolle widely re-elected mayor of the city?

With more than 53% of the votes, Eric Piolle hands down his chair as mayor of Grenoble. Former executive of Hewlett Packard, “nice” but sometimes presented as “cold”, the 47-year-old ecologist dreams that his “humanist arc” will gain momentum at the national level.

Reinforced by his easy re-election in Grenoble with 53.13% of the vote for a second and, he says, last term, the ecological mayor Eric Piolle will be able to work to extend the success of his “humanist arc” to the nationwide.

This unprecedented alliance between EELV, RFI (PG at the time) and activists not inserted, expanded since the “pioneer success of 2014” at the PCF, Génération.s and others, “is gaining momentum”, is delighted the aile. “So our voice carries and my voice carries, yes. It will carry to build at the national level a + humanist arc + which gives a political outlet to a cultural majority”, he affirms calmly, however sweeping aside the question of a presidential candidacy of 2022.

At 47, the former manager of Hewlett Packard (HP) until his dismissal in 2010 for being opposed to a relocation plan explains that he has “unforeseen” what happens to him. And he quotes, in good “practicing non-believer”, reader of philosophy and history, the Jesuit Paul Valadier: “ethics is to be up to the events facing you “.

From his first mandate, the national secretary of EELV Julien Bayou retains his way “to assume the win, the leadership “. “A moult”, he says, that the environmental movement is “also doing”. “Working to articulate different circles, EELV is doing it too. It is done in good intelligence”, adds the number 1 of ecologists, which rents the side “very collective” of this man “friendly” who toured France to support other candidates.

The coldness of an excel painting

“He’s nice but he likes to be the chef”, shade Elisa Martin, first assistant LFI of Piolle, adopting a formula of Cécile Duflot, former boss of EELV. Having practiced it since 2010 in the region where they were both group co-chairs, Ms. Martin describes “a big work capacity “. “He thinks quickly; he understands the issues”. And “it may happen that he changes his mind “ opposite of well-founded arguments. In its municipal majority, “there was a unique group, with neither winner nor loser, it creates solidarity”, estimates this close to Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

He’s a lot more political than you might think at first. “, reports for his part Matthieu Chamussy (DVD, ex-LR), leader of the right-wing opposition group which has not represented itself. For him, “Eric Piolle has two faces: the sympathetic man in the personal relation and the political blade capable of unfolding decisions with the coldness and the harshness of an Excel table “. As proof, the 2016 austerity plan implemented “without fail, with municipal councils under police surveillance “ due to protests. “Savings had to be made, but there was a lack of consultation. Co-construction was his discourse on method and it is the least honored promise “, believes Mr. Chamussy.

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