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New York strengthens police presence in Jewish neighborhoods after several attacks

In the picture, Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York. EFE / EPA / SPENCER PLATT / POOL / Archive

New York, May 24 (EFE) .- The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, announced this Monday that he has ordered the state police to reinforce their presence in Jewish neighborhoods in response to several anti-Semitic attacks registered in recent days in the United States.
“Following the recent unacceptable increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes across the country, I will deploy state police to provide security at Jewish religious, educational and community facilities,” Cuomo said in a statement.
Agents will increase patrols around these points in New York City and in several other counties with significant Jewish populations, and a reinforced police presence is to be expected during the Sabbath celebrations.
According to the authorities, attacks on Jews in the US have increased in recent days, coinciding with the latest conflict between Israel and Palestinian militias in Gaza.
In New York, the police are investigating as a hate crime the attack that a 23-year-old Jewish man suffered in the vicinity of the central Times Square last Thursday, shortly before the ceasefire in the Middle East was announced.
The victim, who received medical care for minor injuries in a New York hospital, was kicked and pushed by a dozen people, facts for which the arrest of a suspect is known for now.
“Anti-Semitic violence and intimidation are the antithesis of New York State’s promise and purpose and will not be tolerated in any way,” Cuomo said Monday.
New York is home to the largest Jewish community in the United States, with about 1.7 million people, most of whom live in the Big Apple and nearby towns.

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