Home » today » News » New York is close to passing a law that removes legal immunity from nursing homes and hospitals | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

New York is close to passing a law that removes legal immunity from nursing homes and hospitals | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

hope: the legislature ofnew york is close toremove legal immunity tonursing homes while aprotest demands improvementssalaries to those who are atelderly care.reporter: the senate againYork is about to pass alegislation that would remove theimmunity granted at the beginningfrom the pandemic to nursing homes,hospitals and professionalshealth as you demand formedical malpractice relatedto the coronavirus.legislators said thiswill help the centers ofcareful follow the protocolsto avoid contagion.people in charge of beingdecisions bother makingthinking about resources andmoney that is going to get.[habla en ingés]He said that whenpeople are going to get inan asylum should not fear howthey tried it and know what they will havejustice if something happens to them.reporter: the legislacón thathe has already appeared in the state assemblyIt would not be attractive but if I knowbecomes law entered intoeffect immediately. whilethe legislature seeks to regulatenursing homes a group ofdomestic workers,older people anddisabled people came to themason of governor cuomodemanding that thework of workershome care to aminimum of 35,000 usd annually.we do not avoid everything nowthe world that does this work.it’s so essential womenimmigrants, women of color.reporter: activists seekthat by passing this proposalfewer older adults anddisabled have toreceive in asylums where wings of15,000 people have diedduring the pandemic,something that is investigatedin parallel by the fbi and thestate attorney general.if the legislature and thegovernor approve increasingwages to workers18,000 were created in the homenew jobs that judd hadto combat the shortage of these

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