Home » today » News » New York: “F*ck Jews” tagged on the front of an Israeli restaurant

New York: “F*ck Jews” tagged on the front of an Israeli restaurant

New York Jewish Week via JTA — A newly opened Israeli restaurant on the Upper West Side was vandalized with vulgar, anti-Semitic graffiti.

On Thursday morning, staff arrived at Miriam, an Israeli restaurant between Amsterdam Avenue and 74th Street that opened on January 24, to find the words “Fuck Jews” spray-painted three times on it. the facade of the outdoor terrace.

According to Patch, New York police arrived at the scene around 12:20 p.m. and immediately proceeded to clean up these hateful tags. An officer said he was investigating the offense calling it a hate crime, but did not provide further details, according to the news site.

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Local politicians, meanwhile, took to Twitter to condemn the incident.

“My constituents woke up to anti-Semitic, hateful and disgusting graffiti outside the new Upper West Side Miriam restaurant on West 74th Street and Amsterdam,” wrote New York State Assemblyman Linda Rosenthal. , which represents the Upper West Side.

“I encourage our neighbors to support Miriam. »

Manhattan Rep. Mark Levine, who shared a photo of the vandalism on his Twitter account, called the incident “disgusting.” “We must condemn this hatred wherever it comes from,” he wrote.

“We cannot take this as normal. »

This latest anti-Semitic incident came as Mayor Eric Adams was to host a closed-door roundtable on Thursday to address rising anti-Semitic incidents in the city.

As reported by the New York Jewish Week last week, anti-Semitic crimes increased significantly in 2022. The New York City Police Hate Crimes Unit reported 22 anti-Semitic crimes from Jan. 1 through the first week of February, up from eight for the same period last week. last year.

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