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New study shows: “Fleming relies on vaccines to …

“The Fleming relies on vaccines to improve the current situation”, according to a new study from the University of Antwerp. 65 percent of Flemish people want to be vaccinated against the corona virus, 61 percent believe that the accelerated production of vaccines entails more risks and the advice of the general practitioner is most confident.

How do people feel about the vaccine? This is what vaccinologist Pierre Van Damme (UAntwerpen) wanted to know. “In the past, the willingness to vaccinate in Flanders was always high. The Covid vaccine will be free, but not mandatory. How does the Fleming feel about this vaccination? Which factors have an impact? “

In order to find out the answer to these and other questions, the University of Antwerp, in collaboration with research bureau Bilendi, questioned 1,200 Flemish people about corona vaccines at the end of November. The following conclusions were drawn from this:

1. The Fleming is hopeful about future vaccines

Of the participants gives 65 percent would like to be vaccinated as soon as a safe and effective vaccine is available to them. 23 percent say they have doubts and 12 percent say they do not want to be vaccinated. There is also a lot of confidence in the effectiveness of the vaccines. Of the participants, 85 percent have a little to a lot of hope that the vaccines will improve the current situation and 83 percent see vaccination as an effective strategy against Covid-19.

2. Provide rapid development and long-term side effects

The majority of respondents (61 percent) agree with the statement that new vaccines come with risks. Yet the Flemish who want to get vaccinated do not really feel concerned about this. This concern is much higher among the doubters and refusers.

Pierre Van Damme.

Photo: Kris Van Exel

The most frequently cited reasons of the doubters and refusers are the rapid development of vaccines and the fear of side effects, especially in the long run. “We should not downplay or ignore these concerns, but acknowledge and, where necessary, eliminate them while continuing to emphasize the benefits of vaccination,” the scientists conclude.

3. Own environment plays an important (er) role

The results show a significant relationship between the extent to which respondents think that their loved ones will be vaccinated and their own vaccination willingness. When making decisions about vaccination, the own area thus an important role.

4. Family doctor is most confident

Most respondents have come across one or more (incorrect) claims about Covid-19 (88 percent, for example, know the theory that Covid-19 would have been created in a lab). In general, the theories surrounding Covid-19 are little believed. However, there is more doubt about future vaccines. Doubters and refusers more often agree with the assertion that there are data on the safety of the vaccines is likely to be tampered with and the claim that pharmaceutical companies are trying to hide the dangers of vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies and the government are less trusted by these groups.

The in-house doctor, on the other hand, is largely trusted by all groups. The family doctor scores highest on reliability of all sources. In addition, the vast majority (81 percent) of all respondents indicate that they follow the vaccination advice of the doctor or healthcare provider.

5. We are willing to work for the collective

Despite the fact that not all respondents see themselves as equally vulnerable, the vast majority do want to commit themselves to the collective interest. Respondents who indicated that they would like to be vaccinated often cite protecting the environment and contributing to group immunity as the main reason for their choice. 71 percent of all respondents indicate that they want to vaccinate themselves to protect people with a weak immune system. 78 percent of all respondents agree that vaccination is a collective action to stop the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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