Home » today » Health » New Regret to Know! Thought to be a wild plant, this grass turns out to be able to overcome shortness of breath better than medicine, I didn’t expect it! – All Pages

New Regret to Know! Thought to be a wild plant, this grass turns out to be able to overcome shortness of breath better than medicine, I didn’t expect it! – All Pages


The benefits of puzzle grass for health

SajianSedap.com – Who would have thought if this plant that was mistaken for a weed turned out to have extraordinary properties.

For those of you who often clean the yard or see this plant on the street, you must think this plant is sugar that interferes with other plants.

So this plant may be often you throw away.

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This grass is often referred to as teki grass.

This type of grass usually grows well in the yard or on the side of the road and even among the bushes.

So what exactly are the benefits of puzzle grass?

The Benefits of Puzzle Grass for Various Health Disorders to Cancer

Small pieces of cayenne pepper, maybe this designation is suitable for this one plant.

Puzzle grass is said to contain protein and the leaves contain silicon monoxide, calcium oxide, and chlorine compounds.

The properties of nut grass mentioned include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antihistamine, as well as natural diuretic and cytotoxic properties.

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Here are the benefits of nut grass for health quoted from rndhealthtips.com:

1. Cancer

The antioxidants in nut grass can prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.

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Puzzle grass or paragis commonly called weed turns out to have many benefits


Puzzle grass or paragis commonly called weed turns out to have many benefits

2. Ovarian cysts and myomas

These two diseases can reportedly be treated with the help of tea from teki grass.

3. Kidney problems

Puzzle grass has the ability to increase the amount of water in the body, and get rid of salt as urine because of its diuretic properties.

4. Diabetes

Puzzle grass contains antidiabetic properties by consuming the tea regularly.

The article continues after the video below.

5. Bleeding Wounds

Puzzle grass can prevent wound bleeding by applying the mixture to the affected area.

6. Parasite

Puzzle grass contains laxative properties that can fight parasites in the body.

7. High Blood Pressure

The leaves and stems of the decoction can help balance and lower the risk of hypertension.

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8. Fever

Consuming the ripe nut grass roots can reduce fever.

9. Dandruff

Mix crushed leaves and stems of Paragis in coconut oil. Use it as a shampoo.
Can also be used for hair growth and prevent hair loss.

10. Dysentery

Consuming boiled nut grass roots helps treat gastroenteritis known as diarrhea with blood.

11. Asthma

It has the ability to cure health problems which include asthma, epilepsy and malaria.

In addition, nut grass can also overcome infertility in women, bladder and liver problems, as well as hemoptysis and jaundice.

Well, so don’t throw it away if you find this plant in your home.

Apart from using medicine, of course, maintaining health and lifestyle is also important, Sase Lovers!

May be useful!

Also Read: One Indonesian Don’t Know! Idly Flush Plants with Meat Washing Water, Don’t Be Surprised to See The Results That Make You Gaze!

This article has been published on TribunJambi.com with the title Here are the Benefits of Teki Grass for Health, Treating Dandruff to Severe Diseases


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