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New Planet Orbiting HD 152843 Similar to the Mass of the Sun.

Illustration of New Planet Orbiting HD 152843. Photo: IST/NET

A new planet orbiting HD 152843 has been discovered by amateur astronomers. The astronomer has discovered two new gas planets after observing the stars using TESS data.

The planet orbits a sun-like star 352 light-years from Earth. Then what is the name of the planet orbiting the star? Check out the following information.

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New Planet Name and Size Orbiting HD 152843

Their findings were published earlier this month in the Journal of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The two exoplanets are named planet B and Planet C. Both orbit a star, referred to as HD 152843.

It has a mass similar to our sun. But 1.5 is bigger and brighter. On the planet B has a size similar to Neptune. In addition, it has a size 3.4 larger than Earth. completes an orbit around the star in about 12 days.

While planet C is 5.8 times larger than Earth. Additionally it has an orbit between 19 and 35 Earth days. In our solar system, the two planets orbit around Mercury in 88 days.

Launching Sci-news, the amateur astronomer found two planets using NASA’s Planet Hunter TESS data. Actually, NASA deliberately opened up data that would allow amateur astronomers to help search for these exoplanets.

The search is through the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite or TESS. According to research, both planets are too hot and also contain gas. After that, the James Webb Space Telescope will launch in October 2021.

This is to better know the possibility of knowing whether the two new planets orbiting HD 152843 have other mysteries and atmospheres. Nora Eisner, a PhD student in Astrophysics at the University of Oxford in England and lead author of the study.

Tess’ team used data from the observatory to further identify more than 100 exoplanets. In addition, more than 2600 candidates are waiting for confirmation.

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Planet Hunter Observation

Planet Hunter TESS operates through the Zooniverse website starting in December 2018, shortly after the TESS data was first published. The volunteers looked at graphs showing the different brightnesses of stars. it happens from time to time.

By observing the plot more shows from a brief decrease in the brightness of the star as well as an upward oscillation that returns to the re -level.

The new planet orbiting HD 152843 can occur because a planet crosses the face of its star. So it blocks out some light. Well, the event is called transit.

Planetary hunters shared each of these brightness schemes under the name Curves of Light with 15 volunteers. On the background of the site, from the algorithm has collected all the submissions of volunteers and selected a light curve. This is in accordance with what a number of volunteers chose.

Then, Eisner and his colleagues saw the curve of the light rising higher. Next, they determine what is good in order to proceed to scientific action.

In the era of increasingly complex computing technology, namely machine learning, has had a large group of volunteers. They looked at the telescope data which was very helpful to the researchers. Because researchers can’t train computers perfectly to better identify potential planetary fingerprints. In addition, the human eye is still valuable.

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TESS Pengamatan Observations

In the case of the new Planet orbiting HD 152843, scientists saw a large patch of land showing its brightness in a month of TESS observations. The light curve has shown over three different slopes. This implies that at least one planet can orbit the star.

15 scientists have seen curves referring to the two transits as well as some have marked light curves on the Planet Hunters TESS online discussion group.

Then they compared the data with the model and estimated that the two transits were from the planet. Yet others come from the second outer planet.

In ensuring the transit signal comes from the planet and not from other sources, namely the eclipsed stars or the movement of the TESS.

Scientists also need to see the stars from a different way. They used HARPS-N at the telescopio Nazionale Galileo in La Palma Spain, as well as EXPRES, an instrument at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff Arizona. Finding a new planet orbiting HD 152843 is not easy. (R10/HR Online)

Publisher: Jujang

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