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New function on WhatsApp that dating has been waiting for years arrives

Aiming to improve the experience of users in the app, a new function arrives on WhatsApp that dating people have been waiting for for years.

This is because movement started to be released in heart emojis. When sent, he’s excited as if he’s throbbing—showed a lot of love.

The resource, which was testing, has already been made available for those who use WhatsApp Web. However, there is a limitation: the movement only occurs with the red-colored emoji.

But the expectation is that soon the functionality will also apply to other colors and also to other versions of the messenger, such as Android and iOS.

New function on WhatsApp that dating has been waiting for years arrives

The ability to send moving heart emojis was widely celebrated by users, especially those who are dating.

In addition to this feature, other exclusive features to improve performance within chats are being developed by the Meta application.

As with Instagram, Messenger and Twitter, it will soon be possible to react via emojis when a contact sends a message.

A tip not to be left behind is to keep the app always up to date, whether on your cell phone or computer. That way you don’t lose any new functions.

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