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New division manager at Merkur

March 4th, 2021 – Jasmin Pluch has been Head of Marketing at Merkur Insurance since the beginning of the month.

Jasmin Pluch (Image: Merkur)

Marketing in the Merkur Insurance AG has a new head: Jasmin Pluch took over the task on March 1st. The company announced this in a broadcast on Wednesday.

“Jasmin Pluch not only has extensive experience in marketing and brand management, but was also very close to the pulse of customers in her professional development as a sales consultant,” said Merkur board member Helmut Schleich.


Pluch completed her Bachelor’s degree in Marketing & Sales at the FH Campus02 and the Master’s degree in Content Strategy at the FH Joanneum in Graz.

Among other things, she worked in the field of marketing and sales for medical insurance companies. In June 2014 she went to Landes-Hypothekenbank Steiermark, where she was most recently Deputy Head of Marketing. She dealt with digital communication and campaigns, for example.

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