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Never throw away the peels of these fruits … treat obesity and cancer

Many benefits of fruit peels, but in return, some throw it as waste and it is in fact a rich source of the same nutrients found in the fruit in a more focused form .. Here are the most prominent of these peels:

1. orange peel
It contains more fiber than any other fruit, and its anti-cancer properties are world-famous..It is very rich in vitamin C, B6, and calcium.

2. Pineapple peel

Rich in bromelain compounds that play a major role in reducing inflammation and sinuses.

3. Grapefruit peel

Among the most important benefits of losing weight, and fighting cancer and anti-inflammatory .. It is also a rich source of potassium and magnesium for our body.

4. Guava

It contains a lot of fiber, which helps prevent constipation and better digestion.

5. Kiwi peel

Kiwi fruits are a high source of flavonoids, vitamin C and antioxidants.

6. Banana peel

Banana peels are very rich in antioxidants, potassium and alotene.

7. Peel the apples

Rich in vitamins, apples contain important nutritional fibers and are rich in vitamins A, C, K1 and potassium.

8. Pomegranate peel

It contains many health benefits that combat excess kilograms and regenerate iron deficiency.

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