Home » today » News » Carlos Ghosn would have hidden in a case of audio equipment to flee, according to the “Wall Street Journal”

Carlos Ghosn would have hidden in a case of audio equipment to flee, according to the “Wall Street Journal”

according to the latest revelations, published by theWall street journalThe Franco-Lebanese-Brazilian businessman is said to have fled, accompanied by two American security specialists, hidden in an audio box. According to this information, he boarded a private plane departing from Osaka and not from Tokyo. The case was originally intended to carry equipment or musical instruments. The American daily newspaper published a photo of the case.

The box had previously been pierced with small openings to allow the fleeing businessman to breathe. For his part, the Japanese Minister of Justice has judged his escape “unjustifiable“, While declaring that”our country’s criminal justice system has proper procedures for establishing the truth in cases and is administered properly, while ensuring basic human rights“.

Read alsoCarlos Ghosn: five questions on a run

Savinien de Rivet


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