Home » today » Entertainment » “Namai suARTina” opening: we invite you to register

“Namai suARTina” opening: we invite you to register

The modified partitions of even 5 buildings in Alytus will quickly be ready on your consideration, and most significantly, they are going to give which means to the historical past of the buildings and metropolis life. Extra alert residents can already see Zenon Bulgakov’s portrait on Vilits Avenue, preparations are underway elsewhere.

Already on Might 25 6 p.m. An unique vernissage of wall portray works awaits you – a theatrical tour devoted to Z. Bulgakov’s jubilee.

We’ll journey alongside the route: Vilniaus st. 5 – Vilties st. 4 – Šaltinė str. 2. We invite you to register by e-mail. Mr. [email protected] (indicating first and final identify), because the variety of spectators is LIMITED.

Improvisations by the actors of the Alytus Metropolis Theater, historical past testifying to the town’s previous and attention-grabbing tales await you.

An audio information can be created for the presentation of every wall portray object – enticing texts voiced by actors, presenting their historical past not with an abundance of mathematical data, however by conveying the town’s previous in a energetic and attention-grabbing method, so we invite you to rush up and register.

The mission is organized by the Alytus Metropolis Theater and the Alytus Metropolis Municipality, partly financed by the Lithuanian Tradition Council, sponsored by UAB “Ramirent” and UAB “Daugesta”.

Alytus metropolis theater data

#Namai #suARTina #opening #invite #register
– 2024-05-17 23:11:21

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