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Mystery of Jupiter’s Powerful X-Ray Aurora Finally Solved

NASA Chandra / Juno Wolk / Dunn

Aurora sightings on the planet Jupiter. Similar activity is possible on other planets and exoplanets, with different types of charged particles ‘surfing’ on waves of planetary plasma.

Nationalgeographic.co.idAurora, the shimmering light show known as the northern or southern lights on Earth, is also seen in Jupiter. These bursts of light looked like dance lights. These events occur when energetic particles from the Sun or other celestial bodies strike a planet’s magnetosphere and flow down magnetic field lines to collide with molecules in its atmosphere. The magnetosphere is the area controlled by the magnetic field of the planet in question.

magnetic field Jupiter very powerful, which is about 20,000 times stronger than Earth. Therefore, the magnetosphere is also very large.

If the magnetosphere Jupiter visible in the night sky, it would cover an area several times the size of the Moon, our Earth’s satellite. Therefore, aurora Jupiter far more powerful than Earth, releasing hundreds of gigawatts of force, enough to briefly empower all human civilizations.

Aurora Jupiter also emits unusual X-ray flares, which come from electrically charged sulfur and oxygen ions spewed out by Io, the volcanic moon Jupiter. Aurora X-ray Jupiter each releases about one gigawatt, the power that a single power plant on Earth might generate over several days. Aurora X-ray Jupiter it often ticks like clockwork, in regular beats of several tens of minutes over tens of hours.


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