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Murcia libraries open with 208 places for study and consultation in the room | Radio Murcia

The Municipal Network of Libraries of Murcia (RMBM) has resumed this Monday the consultation service in the room and study, with a total of 208 positions available to users, informed sources from the City Council in a statement.

The councilor for Urban Agenda and Open Government, Mercedes Bernabé, who has visited the San Basilio branch to check the opening protocol, explained that “the service opens with all the appropriate measures to guarantee maximum security for Murcian citizens, for that an approximate reduction of the capacity of 70 percent of the total of all libraries has been agreed “.

In this way, the space has been reorganized according to the minimum distance of two meters, the entry and exit flows in the facility have been marked, the rooms have disinfectant gels and posters with the instructions for responsible use and the reception points They are equipped with protective screens.

Specifically, the RMBM recovers this service in its branches with the following consultation or study positions: Beniaján (6), Cabezo de Torres (14), Pelagio Ferrer de El Palmar (11), El Puntal (3), El Raal ( 13), Guadalupe (5), Javalí Nuevo (7), La Ñora (14), El Carmen (7), Espinardo (19), José Saramago (10), Río Segura (27), San Basilio (21), Santiago el Mayor (21), Puente Tocinos (8) and Chronicler Antonio Botías de Sangonera la Verde (7).

The hours for the consultation in the room will be from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in all branches. The ‘Río Segura’ will also provide the service in the afternoon, from July 1, from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The La Alberca library will open its doors over the next few days, once the facility has the protective screens at the loan and information desk. This branch is offering the service of loan and return of books through the emergency exit to avoid contact between the staff and the user.


The Municipal Network of Libraries of Murcia has launched a series of recommendations to make this space a safe place, among which are included the reduction of reading positions, guaranteeing the interpersonal distance of two meters and the obligation to wear a mask within the facilities.

In addition, users will not be able to consult the books or documents on the shelves, for this they must notify the library staff.


In addition to the room consultation service, Murcia libraries offer the following services to residents: request and return of loans, bibliographic and library information and room consultation.

To avoid the slightest risk of contagion, all books, films and documents that are returned are in quarantine for 14 days in a space provided for this purpose, before they can be used again.


The loan request is made by appointment in order to avoid crowds and to keep the time spent in the library as short as possible. This procedure is not necessary for the return of loaned works, but it is necessary to request a new loan.

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