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Municipal in Poitiers: who is Léonore Moncond’huy, the new environmental mayor?

It ends 43 years of socialist governance by obtaining almost… 43% of the vote. The young environmentalist Léonore Moncond’huy wins the municipal elections in Poitiers and becomes, also, the first woman mayor of the prefecture of Vienne, according to the results communicated this Sunday evening.

She is ahead of outgoing mayor Alain Claeys, who collects almost 36% of the vote. The latter nevertheless came out on top in the first round, on March 15, (28.2% of the votes).

Barely 30 years old, Léonore Moncond’huy thus becomes one of the representations of the “green wave” which fell on several big cities of France this June 28.

The new councilor grew up and completed her schooling in Poitiers, before going to live in Paris and integrating Sciences Po. She returned to her hometown in 2015, before being elected the same year , regional advisor in New Aquitaine. She even chairs the co-chair of the Ecologist and Citizen Group, in parallel with her commitments in the associative and civic world.

“Right to vacation for all”

His candidacy for this municipal election had been approved at a citizens’ assembly. His list was supported by the Communist Party, Génération.s, Nouvelle Donne et Génération Ecologie, within “Poitiers collectif”.

Among its main priorities: engaging the city “in the ecological transition” which “must be the priority”. In particular, it promises “the right to vacation for all”, so that “no more children will [soit] excluded from holidays ”.

A few minutes after claiming his victory on Sunday evening, Léonore Moncond’huy said he was “particularly proud that Poitiers has made the choice of ecology and social justice”.

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