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MTA toughens use of face masks on New York trains

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, MTA, brings out new restriction measures for all New Yorkers.

The restrictions are increasing in cities like New York, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, MTA, and allied companies will join the effort made by the office that wants to contribute to the reduction of covid-19 cases.

What the MTA seeks is to reinforce the mandatory use of masks among all inhabitants; The main places where this mandate will take effect are the stations, trains, buses and any public transport in the city through a program called “Mask Force”, which will be extended to sister transportation agencies, who want to contribute to the project developed by MTA.

Among the transportation agencies that will apply the “Mask Force” program is the Port Authority, NJ Transit, Amtrak, and the Pennsylvania Southeastern Transportation Authority, This was announced Tuesday by MTA Executive Director Patrick Foye.

“Together we can keep the New York – New Jersey region safe as coronavirus cases rise across the country,” expressed, Foye for Telemundo 47.

The MTA officials launched a main campaign in the different train and subway stations in New York City, in which they encouraged the use of masks in closed or open spaces for all without any discrimination.

The MTA launched a campaign for the use of masks in public transportation facilities in New York City, where the American actress and producer Rosie Pérez was the face of the publicity. At that time, several volunteers distributed new masks for everyone.

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, was more strict and further in the measures for the use of masks throughout the state. Cuomo said he will fine up to $ 50 for those who refuse to wear the masks on MTA premises.

“Fortunately, to date we have only had to issue 10 subpoenas in thousands of encounters. In most cases, the passengers have donned the masks or adjusted them correctly to cover their faces when approached by the police or MTA personnel ”, Foye added.

It is known in the last hours that the MTA has sought a credit of 12 billion dollars from the federal government, as a short loan, aid that has not been confirmed and that is uncertain so far.

On the other hand, the MTA, detailed that the use of masks in the subway had decreased during the summer as the number of passengers increased in the months of August and September when the reactivation of some sectors began, however, passengers began to comply with the use of masks when a fine of 50 dollars was imposed for those who will not use it.

An MTA survey showed an increase in the use of masks after the imposition of this fine measure. According to the survey, 95% of passengers comply with the use of masks, compared to 87% which was evidenced in late July and early August.

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