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Most Breast & Cervical Cancer in Indonesia, How to Prevent It?


Cancer is still one of the deadliest diseases that attack silently or the ‘silent killer’. According to WHO, cancer in the world and in Indonesia is one of the deadliest diseases under heart disease.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Radiation Oncology Specialists (PORI) Prof. Dr. dr. Soehartati Gondhowiardjo, Sp.Onk.Rad explained that data from WHO also revealed that the highest cancer in the world is breast, second is lung.

As for the most cancers in Indonesia, the first is breast with 65,858 cases. The second is cervical or cervical cancer with 36,633 cases, both of which are mostly in women.

“Even in the world it is said that every 2 seconds there will be a new case of cancer and every 1 second there will be a death due to cancer. And 70% will occur in developing countries,” said dr. Tati in the AXA Mandiri webinar themed ‘Tough Kartini: Care Now, Calm Later’, Thursday (21/4/2022).

dr. Tati also explained that breast cancer and cervical cancer are caused by risk factors that bring a person closer to cancer. These factors are divided into 2 factors that cannot be changed such as age and sex. There are also factors that can be changed such as diet and hygiene.

So, continued dr. Tati, the most important thing is how one can live a healthy and clean life. Some ways that can be done are to avoid smoking, alcohol, then maintain a balanced weight and mindset.

“Large studies in the world say that only with a healthy lifestyle, we can avoid 30% to 50% of cancer incidence,” he said.

dr. Tati also said that in Indonesia, the incidence of cancer in women is 1 and a half times higher than that of men due to several risk factors that cannot be prevented, such as menstruation at an early age, menopause at an advanced age, a family history, to diseases that cause ease. occurrence of cancer.

Further, dr. Tati said the first effort to prevent cancer is to avoid risk factors. The second is depending on the type of cancer, such as breast cancer, namely by doing a breast self-examination which can be done every month.

“If there is a lump, don’t be afraid, because 80% of lumps are not malignant. So don’t immediately think if there is a lump it is malignant and it must be done (mammography). And at a certain age, a routine mammography should be done,” he said.

dr. Tati explained that women who have risk factors should have routine mammography done at the age of 45 years. However, if you don’t have risk factors, you can start at the age of 50 and must be done regularly.

Then for the prevention of cervical cancer that can be done is to do a Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid (IVA) Test or Pap Smear. Both of these tests are considered routinely once a year to detect cervical or cervical cancer early.

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