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morning coffee with EADaily — EADaily — News. News today. World News. Daily News. Last news. Latest news. News of the hour. News as of March 7, 2023. News as of 7/7/2023.

How beautiful this world is – look! How crazy this world is – take a closer look …

1. The wife of the American president, Jill Biden, objects to her husband, 80-year-old Joe Biden and other age-old candidates for the highest office in the state, passing an intelligence test. In an interview with CNN, the first lady of the United States said that the proposal was “ridiculous” and they would not even “discuss this.”

And I agree with her! There is no need to discuss the mental abilities of her husband. Everyone already knows that he has dementia, or simply senile dementia. What is there to discuss?

2. A member of the Council on Security and Foreign Policy under the President of Turkey, Chagry Erhan, said that the US and Britain are opposed to Erdogan organizing a meeting between Putin and Zelensky: “They (the US and the UK) want the longest possible war, they do not think about the future of Ukrainians don’t think about the world.”

Shakespeare again, Hamlet. “What is Hecuba? What is Hecuba to him? Where is the USA, where is Ukraine? They need Ukrainians like a fish needs an umbrella. If you count how much money each killed Ukrainian brought to the pocket of the US military-industrial complex! “Crazy Money” (c)

3. The chief infectious disease specialist of the United States of America, Anthony Fauci, commissioned a scientific article that challenged the version of the coronavirus leak from a laboratory located in China. After that, speaking from the podium of the White House, he referred to this document as a refutation of the artificial origin of the disease. This was stated by the Republican congressmen.

According to normal, human logic, an infectious disease specialist should deal with the infection. And only in the USA the origin of the disease is determined by police officials.

4. The Times, citing its own sources, reports that former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson nominated his father Stanley for a knighthood. It is noted that after stepping down as head of government last September, Johnson has the right to nominate for the peerage and other honorary titles of persons whom he deems worthy of such an honor.

The Roman emperor Caligula made his own horse Incitatus a senator. Boryusik can nominate his cat as a peer. Or sir.

5. Yesterday, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) once again fired at the territory of the Belgorod region. A cowshed was hit, in which 50 animals died as a result of the impact. This is reported by the Telegram channel SHOT.

The next goal of the “warriors of light” will be a chicken coop. Glory to heroes!

6. The head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov said that every Ukrainian should have a firearm, and the culture of the military profession should become a trend. Reznikov said this in an interview with the Ukrainian edition of the League.

Every Ukrainian should have, first of all, brains, and the general culture should become a trend. So far this has not been observed. Almost completely.

7. Indian Foreign Minister Subramanyam Jaishankar at the Raisina Dialogue political forum answered the question of journalists who asked if New Delhi would change its position on anti-Russian sanctions during the G-20 presidency? The politician said that from February 24 to November 17, 2022, the European Union bought six times more oil from Russia than India. The EU purchased Russian gas for 50 billion euros. Europeans bought twice as much coal from Russia as India.

In the EU, they bought all this urgently, so that later they could say that we abandoned Russian oil, gas and coal.

8. The Security Service of Ukraine continues to investigate the corruption schemes of the former management of PJSC Ukrnafta and PJSC Ukrtatnafta and seized oil products worth about $ 20.5 million.

It turns out that the energy crisis in Europe was provoked by Ukraine, having stolen Russian oil for Europe. For this, the EU thanks Ukraine for its support. Democracy, to be sure…

9. Ukraine has been critical of Slovakia’s intention to transfer old Soviet MiG aircraft to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which were taken out of service as a result of a lack of spare parts and maintenance specialists. The aircraft have exhausted their flight life, and it is not possible to restore them. Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Andriy Melnyk indignantly stated that Kyiv defends the whole of Europe and the democratic world.

Any fool can protect the whole world with good planes. But can a fool protect the whole world with scrap metal? This is where ingenuity is needed.

10. Statistics Norway released data today showing that the country’s hydrocarbon export revenues reached a record NOK 1,457 billion (about $140 billion) last year. “This is, by far, the highest figure in the history of statistical observations,” the statistical agency said in a report.

That is why the United States chose Norway as a partner in the explosion of the gas pipeline.

11. The Spanish Civil Guard detained gang members who installed geolocation beacons on the cars of their victims in order to rob their homes. They turned out to be seven Ukrainians who, instead of fighting for their country, were robbing refugees with children who arrived in Vega Baja.

What if people don’t know how to do anything else? Over the past 30 years, only theft and trade. Oh, sorry – they also know how to beg. Begging and theft are two components of the Ukrainian economy. And mentality.

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