Home » today » World » Moldova wants to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation – Medvedev threatened with a lack of energy resources

Moldova wants to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation – Medvedev threatened with a lack of energy resources

“Now they ran ahead of the locomotive. Trying to please their new masters, not being in the EU, they are ready to join European sanctions against our country. Well then. Let them try. Then they can be 100% sure that they will not receive from us not only “expensive” energy and other resources, but none at all. Let them enjoy the sanctions before they get into the EU,” he said.

According to Medvedev, the devaluation of Moldovan statehood, which has gained speed, follows Ukrainian patterns – hatred of Russia is put at the forefront.

“If a serious mess begins around the Anschluss of Moldova by Romania, it should be borne in mind that about 220,000 Russian citizens live in Transnistria…” he added.

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