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MINSA Identifies First Case of the ‘Pirola’ Variant of COVID-19 in Peru: Updates on Treatment and Vaccination Efforts

MINSA detected the first case in the country of the ‘Pirola’ variant of covid-19 in a 47-year-old woman. Patient is stable and receiving treatment. | TV Peru News

The COVID-19 virus does not stop reproducing. This Saturday, November 4, amid the low attendance rate at the country’s vaccination centers, the National Health Institute (INS) of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), warned of the appearance of a new variant of the coronavirus, which has already managed to attack A person.

The entity identified the first case of the BA.2.86 or ‘Pirola’ sublineage, a descendant of the Omicron variant, in a 47-year-old woman residing in the Lima district of Chorrillos. For this reason, he called on the population to go to health centers and complete their vaccination schedule to prevent a serious case of the disease.

According to the INS genomic surveillance team, the patient is stable and is receiving medical treatment from her home, where she remains isolated. According to what specialists told RPP, ‘Pirola’ is a “variant under monitoring” designated as such by the World Health Organization (WHO), due to the number of mutations it has.x

Covid-19 has a remarkable ability to mutate constantly, which is why new variants appear periodically worldwide, thus perpetuating community transmission,” said Víctor Suárez Moreno, executive president of the INS, during an interview with TV Peru.

A person receives a positive coronavirus test in a space set up for COVID-19 patients in Lima. (Photo: EFE/ Luis Ángel Gonzáles)

Detected in at least 30 countries, the ‘Pirola’ variant is characterized by evading the protection of vaccines and previous COVID-19 infections. “Surveillance is very important because there is a risk that this variant evolves and becomes very dangerous,” warned the head epidemiologist of the technical department to combat COVID-19 of the World Health Organization (WHO). , María Van Kerkhove, in an interview with the BBC.

The specialist added that by having a large number of mutations (42 in total), it could become a radically different variant, since it also has a notable transmission capacity, which has allowed it to spread throughout dozens of countries.

“SARS-CoV-2 has constantly mutated over the course of the pandemic, resulting in variants that are different from the original SARS-CoV-2 virus,” the Centers for Disease Control and Detection warned ( CDC, in English).

Check the COVID-19 vaccination centers in Lima. / Credit: Andina

According to the Ministry of Health, the XBB.1.5 (“Kraken”) variant is the most prevalent with 76% of infections. Followed by FL.1.5.1 (“Fornax”), with 17% and EG.5 (“Eris”) with 4%.

The identification of these new lineages is achieved thanks to the genomic sequencing carried out on the samples that are sent to the National Institute of Health (INS) by the reference laboratories and the Regional Health Directorates (Diris) of various regions of Peru.

Prevention is the solution to avoid a serious case of contagion, which is why the Minsa recommended to the population that the bivalent vaccine should be applied three months after their last injection against COVID-19.

The president of the INS, Víctor Suárez, stated that “there is nothing to fear if we are vaccinated because we will be protected against a severe disease. Vaccinated does not only mean having a last dose applied last year, but a booster dose applied this year.”

For now, the vaccination days are aimed at adults over 60 years of age and people with any comorbidity. As reported by the health portfolio, the regions of Áncash, Ica, La Libertad, Junín, Tumbes and Pasco are advancing faster in this process.

Likewise, from January to August, more than 1.9 million bivalent vaccines have been administered. It is scheduled that the goal before the end of 2023 should end at 3 million.

Check the COVID-19 vaccination centers in Lima. / Credits: Minsa

The Minsa has enabled more than 60 health centers where people can apply the bivalent vaccine. With this provision, Peruvians will be able to choose the closest place and thus avoid long lines.

In the DIRIS Lima Centro, the highlights are Campo de Marte (Jesús María), La Videna (San Luis), the Bayóvar Sports Complex (San Juan de Lurigancho) and La Rambla Brasil (Breña). In addition, the Mega Plaza (Independencia), the Rímac Maternal and Child Center (Rímac) and the Sinchi Roca Zonal Park (Comas) appear in the DIRIS Lima Norte.

For the DIRIS Lima South and East, the Jockey Plaza (Santiago de Surco) and the CMI San Fernando (ATE) were placed, respectively.

2023-11-05 17:30:00
#COVID19 #detect #case #Pirola #variant #Peru #warn #dangerous #evolution

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