Home » today » World » Minister Haim Biton’s car was involved in an accident in Jerusalem, his father…

Minister Haim Biton’s car was involved in an accident in Jerusalem, his father…

The salvage vehicle of the minister in the Ministry of Education Haim Biton was involved this evening (Saturday) in a car accident in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem. The minister was not in the car at the time of the accident, his 82-year-old father was seriously injured and was referred for medical treatment by the MDA team to Shaare Zedek Hospital in the city.

The traffic accident happened at the Mirsky-Rakanti intersection in Jerusalem, involving a private car and a bus that was empty of passengers. According to medical sources, as a result of the accident, three passengers were injured, including the minister’s father in a serious condition, and two other passengers were moderately and lightly injured.

Photo: Olivier Pitosi, Flash 90

MDA paramedic Nadav Taib who arrived at the scene described: “The driver of the vehicle was sitting unconscious and suffering from a severe head injury. We gave him medical treatment that included anesthesia and ventilation and evacuated him in an MDA intensive care vehicle to the hospital when he was in serious condition.” The traffic accident examiners of the police started investigating the circumstances of the accident.

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