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Mayor about Vindicat party in bus: ‘Oerdom’ | Inland

A clip shows that young people are partying in a party bus, without masks and close together. There is also a call circulating from apparently a member not to share the images further.

Vindicat’s rector Wessel Giezen responded on Thursday afternoon: “We have seen the images … This is of course not possible, we will find out. I have just spoken to members. This is of course bizarre and inconvenient, because we do everything we can. ”

The society is closed and the board is in regular contact with the police and mayor, says Giezen. “We talk to the house elders and email the houses, but we are powerless in this.” That it goes wrong twice in a week comes down to us. “This was not organized by us.” According to Giezen, the fifteen to twenty members who participated in the party, both men and women, will be suspended for a year.

View the images!

SP party leader Jimmy Dijk, the most outspoken critic of Vindicat in the Martinistad, responded promptly on Twitter: “Time and time again … Now another party bus with dozens of students with drinks and balloons. How much is wrong with the culture of that association. And now no more soothing words from Mayor Schuiling. “

‘Not all members on a string’

Mayor Koen Schuiling of Groningen, also chairman of the Groningen Safety Region, wants to know exactly what happened. Judging from the images, it was ‘primeval stupidity’, he says through his spokesperson. “Both from the young people and also from the organization.”

The town hall is in regular contact with the Senate (board) of Vindicat, the spokesman said. “Vindicat has done everything to be corona proof. But the board does not have all members on a string. If supporters of a football club cause nuisance in the city, then we do not hold the club to account, but the persons concerned. ”

The number of corona infections in the North is still considerably lower than in the rest of the Netherlands. “But we had a meeting with the relevant authorities this afternoon and a relaxation of measures is not very near.”

The relevant bus company from Franeker, Boostbussen, advertises ‘corona-proof tours throughout the Netherlands’.

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