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Mass Vaccination Campaign in Choluteca Extended Until June 13: Thousands Expected to Receive Pentavalent Vaccine and More

CHOLUTECA. The vaccination day that started today will be extended until June 13 and it is planned to vaccinate thousands of people of different ages in this southern region.

The director of the Expanded Immunization Program (PAI), Hilda Suazo, explained that children two months old and other ages can be vaccinated to receive the pentavalent vaccine against smallpox, strengthening against COVID-19 , influenza, among others, as well as such as deworming. .

Vaccination is important, he said, which is why the slogan of the day is “Save vaccines, they protect,” urging people to go to health centers and military units. who travel in neighborhoods, colonies, small towns and villages and thus take care of your health.

Several diseases, such as tetanus, no longer exist, because they were eradicated as a result of vaccination days that have been taking place for 45 consecutive years, he said.

Suazo said that they hope, during the day, the goal of vaccinating 86 thousand people against the flu, applying 24 thousand deworming tablets and applying 900 children under the “Sustainable” program, as well as vaccinating schoolgirls between the ages of 11 and 15 against Humanism. Papilloma (PVH).

With the problem of “blackouts”, to avoid damage to vaccine vials, he said that the PAI has an adequate cooling system as well as a power generating plant, as well as a satellite sensor that allows them to monitor the temperature. (LEN)

2024-05-14 03:30:00
#Vaccination #day #begins #south #Diario #Tribuna

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