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Marketing 3.0. Human-centered design

For this we see examples such as Apple, Tesla or Nespresso, where the so-called Marketing 3.0., Plays a fundamental role. Let’s see what role this type of marketing plays in design today.

We have said that Marketing 1.0., Or the industrial revolution is all about the development of functional products and their massification. For example the Ford era of the first cars. Marketing 2.0., Or what we will call “The boomer” is one that emphasizes consumer knowledge and satisfaction by segmenting the market, the person is valued instead of taking only their physical needs. Coca-Cola is a pioneer in the marketing of emotions; has successfully associated its products with emotions, especially happiness, on numerous occasions. So much tradition! And so,

What is Marketing 3.0?

Marketing 3.0, on which we both agree, understands that the consumer is more than just a buyer, it is a human being with social, collective and environmental concerns, who in turn aspires to a better society. , ready to contribute to the construction. The brand is incorporated by its consumers, ceasing to be owned by the company and become part of people’s lives.

In this new marketing model, innovative practices such as human-centered design, or HCD for its acronym in English, are implemented. Which governs principles such as:

Empathy. Understanding people and users is a big effort: their needs, why and how they do things, what really adds value to them, etc.
Observation. Through observation, we can collect ideas about how the user feels in a certain environment, what their relationship looks like with that environment, what they really need, etc. What our users do is not always what they say they do; therefore, observation is essential to know our user. Nowadays, it is common that the most relevant information usually comes from user observation.

Methodologies such as Design Thinking, Service Design, User-Centered Design or UX Design focus on people learning and use that information as a starting point to create products and services. However, Damien and a waiter pointed out that we need to have the ability to go beyond the survey results, to use critical thinking and strategy. Therefore, the designer must be able to meet the needs of his users and in turn those of the business and the enterprise. In this way, solutions will be implemented, will have a place in the market and can add positive value to the world by helping to improve the quality of life of people.

In conclusion, as the Marketing 3.0 strategy converges in full harmony with the frequencies in which the world operates today, most people voluntarily and enthusiastically adhere to a high goal recognized as superior.
Horizontal consumer networks are created, almost spontaneously, and a new way of creating products emerges, thanks to the collaborative participation of businesses, consumers, suppliers and strategic allies, when people are interconnected in a network of actions. innovative.

Wait! But who is coming there?

Oh! It’s marketing 4.0

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