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Mario Dandy’s mother begins to become a target for netizens

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Acts of violence committed Mario Dandy Satriyo against the child of the GP Ansor board with the initials D become the public spotlight and have implications everywhere. His father, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, an official at the Directorate General of Taxes, was removed from his position by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani. Rafael also resigned as the State Civil Apparatus (ASN).

Now netizens are starting to highlight the whereabouts of Mario Dandy’s mother. The Twitter account @bilik_kayu is starting to get flooded with comments. In the 2016 upload, you can see the moment of the inauguration of the Heritage Resto Wooden Booth. Many netizens suspected that a woman who was cutting the ribbon in the form of a flower arrangement was the owner and mother of Mario.

The news came after the Twitter account @MurtadhaOne1 uploaded old tweets from the account @bilik_kayu.

It didn’t stop there, the restaurant’s Instagram account located in Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta, was also affected. Instagram account @bilik.kayu_heritage can no longer be found. Either the account is lost or deactivated by the owner.

Netizens with the account @azazeldiablos took a screenshot (screenshot) old posts allegedly belonging to Ms. Mario. Before deleting all feeds on Instagram, it was stated that the account had uploaded 83 photos, had 670 followers, and follow 134 other accounts.

Next: The dragging of Mario’s father and mother…

It started with an assault case

The dragging of Mario Dandy’s father and mother stems from a case of maltreatment committed by their son. The South Jakarta Metro Police have named Mario Dandy a suspect in violence against children and also the abuse of D, the son of GP Ansor administrators.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Comr. Ade Ary said the violence occurred on Monday, 20 February 2023 at 20.30 WIB at the Grand Permata Complex, Pesanggrahan District, Ulujami, South Jakarta.

This case began when AGH, 15 years old, Mario’s girlfriend, told him about D’s inappropriate behavior. A few days earlier, Mario tried to confirm this, but D didn’t respond.

On the day of the incident, AGH contacted the victim and asked him to come with the excuse that he wanted to return the victim’s student card. However, the victim claimed to be at a friend’s house.

Next, Mario together with witness A and witness S approached the victim and contacted the victim to get out. “Then the suspect communicated with the victim and finally the victim came out, heading next to the house of Mr R and Mrs N,” said Ade.

After that, the perpetrator took the victim to the back of the Jeep Rubicon to confirm the bad deeds he had done to witness A. Action persecution happened.

The victim received violence to the legs, stomach and head which was carried out by the perpetrator using his hands. “In the end there was an incident of violence against children where the perpetrator kicked the victim’s leg so that the victim fell, then the perpetrator hit the victim repeatedly using the perpetrator’s right hand. Then when the victim had fallen, the perpetrator kicked the victim in the head. then the perpetrator kicked the victim in the stomach, “said Ade.

As a result of this incident, Mario had to become a suspect and languish in the custody of the South Jakarta Police. Most recently, his status as a student also had to disappear after Prasetya Mulya University claimed to have fired him.


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