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Maria Monsè eliminated, Alex Belli leaves the house


Signorini welcomes in the studio Delia Duran and he shows her the video in which Alex Belli passionately kisses Soleil Sorge, then asks her what she has decided and she replies that she wants to finish her story with Alex: “I was on the train when I saw the kissing scene and I didn’t want to come anymore. I told him in a thousand ways to respect me and he didn’t, I decided to end our story. “

The host then connects with the House and announces that tonight he will ask some of the VIPs if they want to stay or leave. Part of them will answer next Friday.

So here is a clip on the Christmas gifts and messages sent to the House, in advance, by the relatives and friends of the VIPs.

Everyone got something except Alex. “I have three brothers”, says Belli: “I was expecting at least one message, also because I needed a little encouragement”. Signorini then broadcasts the clip with the fury of the actor beating against the door outside himself.
When asked what he wants to do at this point Alex replies that he wants to go back to his life “which is falling apart, the one that is out of here” and adds: “What we have built with Soleil is true and it is beautiful, but it’s in here, I don’t know where we’re going. “

The verdict of televoting
Between Carmen Russo, Gianmaria Antinolfi, Francesca Cipriani, Maria Monsé, Miriana Trevisan and Sophie
Codegoni, the audience saves Miriana, Gianmaria, Francesca, Carmen and Sophie. It is Maria who has to leave the Big Brother house.

Lulu and Manuel
Signorini invites Lulu and Manuel into the love boat and then shows a clip in which Bortuzzo finally confesses his love for Princess Selassiè: “The emotions he makes me feel are too strong not to be experienced”.

All against Maria Monsé
Among the most named by all is Maria Monsè and that is why Signorini asks her what she thinks she has done wrong to be seen so badly by everyone. She replies: “I made a mistake because I wanted to tell the truth” and defines the women of the House (except Soleil) as a group of vipers with Lulu being the most false “.
Jessica defends herself and affirms: “I am true from the first day from the first day. I have welcomed Maria from day 1 …” and the question of changing the bed comes up. Sophie also accuses her of having made herself “nominable by everyone”: It is the whole house that voted for her, I would ask myself a question, yes she says things but behind her back “:

Valeria Marini tries to take a diplomatic position: “Maria is very sensitive and has had exaggerated reactions, we don’t talk about vipers because they are not. We talk about character incompatibility”.
While Soleil defends her with drawn sword and reiterates how the women of the House are vipers: “They crawl as always and then go to their lair to gossip in a sleazy way”.

Katia and the orange blossoms
Signorini reveals the gem of the evening: “Ricciarelli would have confessed to Carmen and Soleil that she wanted to get married. Both confirm and Soleil says:” She told me she is in love with a person. “Then the host sends a clip about Katia and asks her if is really eager to get married again and how much she knows the mysterious man to marry. Ricciarelli confesses that she has known him for some time and that she has met him in Puglia: “I’m tired I want to get married in a white dress. Day after day this person who is very intelligent and cultured has conquered me. This person asks me to stay with him for the rest of his life and I didn’t say anything. It is definitely not passion, but it is much higher, thanks to the period I lived in here I understood a lot of things. It scares me now to say that I will be alone, I know that this person is there and this makes me feel calm. I think it’s the end of a life like mine and I hope I’m not wrong again. We always have another chance in life. “

The decision of the VIPs, who stays, who wants to leave
Signorini asks some VIPs what decision they have made regarding staying in the house or leaving. Manuel, Katia, Lulù, Miriana and Gianmaria want to stay. Francesca Cipriani instead decided to leave for health reasons. Katia greets her and says: “See you at the wedding”.

Alex, Soleil and Delia: it’s time for clarification
Before the actual confrontation between Delia and her husband, Signorini asks Alex about her truth about Soleil and he says: “The words that Soleil and I say to each other, we hear, she is the greatest gift I could hope to find in the house. , everything we live is wonderful, but there is a but … You have a man I have a wife, we don’t want to say goodbye, but goodbye and when we go out and go back to our lives we don’t have to get lost … “. Signorini, however, sends a clip that tells the furious quarrel between the two, which then ended with the passionate kiss of Soleil, built ad hoc, before downloading it. Alex gets irritated, takes his jacket, threatening yet another abandonment by going to open the red door: “I can’t take it anymore”. The conductor blocks him: “Wait until there is another meeting for you”.

Sent to the garden by Signorini Belli, he meets Delia, who communicates her decision to end her story with him and defines Soleil as a manipulator, telling him that he has fallen into a trap and that she has lacked his respect: “I’m here to tell you that nobody abandoned you, but when I was on the train I saw yet another crap you’ve done in these three months. You should have said “I prefer Delia and her love” (…) I’m leaving, you don’t deserve me, I I deserve a man who respects me and you don’t. “
Belli who in freeze runs to her to stop her and tells her he wants to go out, apologizes and swears that he wants to go back to her life. Having not respected the distance rules, Alex is officially out of the House because the VIPs of the House are in forced quarantine.
Compared to what Alex says about his intentions to leave, both Signorini and the commentators agree with Delia who says: “How many times have you gone to the red door and then you went back? Do you want to go out? Get out, show me. I’m fed up .. . “. He defends himself by stating that the red door was closed, but Signorini replies: “The red one is closed but there are many others open …”.
Asked if Delia is going to give in and get Alex back, she replies, “We need to talk about it outside.”

For her part, Soleil is firm on her position: “He is the one who is in love, I am the one who has always held him back and now he throws everything on me. The problem is not what happened under the covers, but your doubt about your marriage and what you told me unless it was a lot of bullshit … 5 minutes ago you told me you were considering something else. Your wife should worry about that … “.
Neither Soleil nor Delia want to meet and eventually Alex leaves with Delia.
Soleil is deeply sad and embittered, also because she is convinced that she is not loved in the House: Sophie, Katia and Giucas try to console her.

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