Home » today » World » Maria Karystianou: “What were you afraid would be revealed?” – “Fist” response to Triantopoulos, Karamanlis, Bakoyannis, Mitsotakis – 2024-03-02 09:48:18

Maria Karystianou: “What were you afraid would be revealed?” – “Fist” response to Triantopoulos, Karamanlis, Bakoyannis, Mitsotakis – 2024-03-02 09:48:18

THE Maria Karystianou“the mother of the Tempes”, the woman who, together with other parents and relatives of victims, is leading the effort to bring justice and the punishment of the guilty, responds with her statement to documentonews.grin the shameful statements of political figures.

Among other things, he calls on Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who “knows that it is a criminal offense to alter the scene of a crime”, to support in practice what he publicly states, namely that Greece has a Rule of Law, and to assume his responsibilities.

Maria Karystianou’s statement:

I have just been informed of the statements of K. Triandopoulos, who, according to the usual tactic of politicians, renounces his responsibilities. Gentlemen, a gag order has been given. As a minimum for us, but also for society as a whole, is to give a name to this criminal and insulting act… There are crimes for which justice is the only way… You must show respect for the person, his values ​​and the laws of the country you swore to serve…

This week has been very difficult for us and I really had no intention of making any statements. Yesterday, however, I was asked by journalists to respond to Mr. Agorastos. Mr. Agorastos’ statement was based on an earlier statement of mine which, however, was “heard” on the day of the black anniversary… The truth is that yesterday I rejected this proposal because I really considered it pointless to start this public dialogue with Mr. Agorastos.

But I feel that I would like to make a statement not against Mr Agorastos but against two important political figures who made statements on Wednesday 28 February. The day our children were killed. Or one statement concerns Ms. Bakoyannis, who told us that we should put ourselves in the shoes of Mr. Karamanlis because it is tragic to be a minister and have something like this happen to you… Ms. Bakoyannis, it is tragic to be 19 years old and happily return home and kill yourself with most horrible and unjust death.

It is tragic to be condemned for the rest of your life to the most unspeakable pain and all you think and pray is how soon that last day of your life will come that will save you from mourning and you will meet your lost child again .

As for Mr. Karamanlis, I don’t think his life has been affected that much. At least until now and when he wants to hug his children he just opens his arms. The next statement, which I consider the highest insult both in terms of its content and in terms of the choice of the day it was made, concerns the prime minister. Who declared to us once again that abundant light will be shed, the guilty will be punished, and the absurd and false rumors will collapse when at the same time a video is playing everywhere with Mr. Triandopoulos, Mr. Mitsotakis’ agent telling us how quickly and how effectively the crime scene was “tidyed up”….

Obviously, the prime minister knows that it is a criminal offense to alter the scene of a crime… So today, instead of answering Mr. Agorastos, I will address the prime minister, who maintains that we live in a State of Law and that everyone should be held responsible for the crime of Tempe the guilty the responsibilities. We agree, Mr. Mitsotakis, that ample light must be shed and that all the guilty must be punished. And since you believe that we really live in a state of law, which I completely disagree with, and with me many people inside and outside our country, show us in practice what you publicly declare.

Please, as a sign of purity and honesty, voluntarily present yourself to the commission of inquiry that investigates the crime and where, according to the law, all those involved in the case must appear to give explanations. We, as well as all Greeks, would very much like to hear in public why you ordered that the dance of crime be altered. What were you afraid would be revealed? Otherwise you are shirking your responsibilities once again. Is it because you hope that none of the prosecutors you appointed will dare to ask you for it.

And know that the sensationalist statements you tend to make are insulting to us, to the memory of our children, and belittle the intelligence and dignity of all Greeks.

Read also:

Crime Tempi: Maria Karystianou’s resolution broke the barrier of 1,000,000 signatures – How to participate

Triandopoulos “gives” the Fire Department for cleaning up the site of the Tempe tragedy

Pleuris gave him…

Tempi: Triandopoulos confesses to the crime a few days after the crime – Two videos

Tempi: Who are you covering Mr. Agoraste for the batch? You or someone else?

Public question to Triandopoulos about the mobbing in Tempi – “If you don’t answer, you confirm the complaint”

Tempi crime: The testimony that burns Kostas Ah. Karamanli – The witness who was excluded from the Inquest

Antonaros for Tempi: How long will Deputy Minister Triandopoulos hide?

#Maria #Karystianou #afraid #revealed #Fist #response #Triantopoulos #Karamanlis #Bakoyannis #Mitsotakis

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