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Marc Lévy: “I wanted to jostle myself”

We think we know Marc Lévy. For twenty years, his romance novels have sold like hot cakes, but he has decided to change his style. Since last year, he offers a very dark saga to the Millenium, anchored in today’s reality.
The nine characters are hackers who try to fight all those around the world who seek to manipulate people with fake news and attacks. The second volume of the series, Twilight of the Beasts, just published.

The Marc Lévy-Guillaume Musso match

Do you see a kind of break between this series of novels and your previous ones?

Yes and no. It is in the vein of other novels like Children of freedom. But it’s true that Twilight of the Beasts is engaged in a contemporary reality.
Your view of the world was more benevolent. It is now darker. Did you realize this shift?

My previous novels were more about the human being, and this one is about the state of the world. This is how I see the difference.

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How were these novels born?

I conducted a survey for three years, where I met personalities who then became characters in novels. I don’t want to divulge their identity. I also lived during four years the Trump period live, with the very brutal rise of the ultra-right. America has come very close to disaster. The attempted coup of January 6 (Editor’s note: where demonstrators invaded the Capitol) illustrates this very well.

“America has come very close to disaster”

Your engagement, previously, seemed hidden by more romantic methods.

That is true. But my commitment started very early when I joined the Red Cross. He never stopped. This novel is perhaps closer to me. It does not mean that I am more pessimistic, on the contrary. The plot is not driven by the oppressors, but by those who resist. There is always an optimistic aim at the heart of what I say.

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You are also dealing here with the Syrian drama and the place of migrants in our societies.

It has always been close to my heart. From the start of the Syrian conflict, I said that the victims were not invaders, but refugees, just like the Jews who had to leave Germany at the time of the rise of Nazism. They were expatriates out of necessity.

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The plot mixes the fates of nine characters. Has your way of writing changed?

What was different was that my preparatory work was very long and very rich. It changed my writing a lot. Because little by little, I discovered things that oriented my investigation in a different direction from the one I had imagined.
Did you want to renew yourself? To jostle your readers?

I rather wanted to jostle myself, as in every novel. I never made any calculations with respect to the reader.

The Twilight of the Beasts. Editions Robert-Laffont, € 21.90.

Remi Bonnet

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