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Marbelle made public the death threat she received from a fan

It is not the first time that Marbelle receives this type of threats as a public figure, so she does not remain silent and comments on what is happening with her life in case something happens to her or her daughters.

Although it seemed somewhat out of the ordinary, the protagonist of ‘Sincere Love’ was a big surprise when reviewing her direct messages on her Instagram account.

It is worth remembering that celebrities, being public figures, tend to read offensive comments, gossip, and insults from some of their followers who are dedicated to sending only hatred, because they are dissatisfied with everything that influencers and celebrities do.

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This time, Marbelle received a death threat from one of her followers, who was very upset at not receiving a greeting from the singer for a specific person.

As if the tone of annoyance with which the follower sent the message to the artist was not enough, the user used rudeness, insults, claims and even a death threat if Mauren did not send a greeting to the person he was mentioning in the messages.

“Marbelle I’m your fan… .. bad old $% & fat h $ disgusting dragged. Greet those who write you without humility and you are a piece of shit% & $ h $ sow. Put a story and say hello to Don Ayran or I send her to peel fat h% perr & $ “, was the text that they left the artist.

As a result of this, Marbelle shared with her followers what was happening, in addition to revealing the profile and even the photograph of the young man, who apparently is a minor, who sent you the threat.

“How beautiful … the future of our country … the generation without fear”, the singer wrote with great concern in her stories.

Read also: Marbelle spoke of her alleged pregnancy and offered a great confession


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