Home » today » World » Macron’s forgiveness for the harkis, reopening of the borders of the United States, shooting in Russia … The news of this Monday – Liberation

Macron’s forgiveness for the harkis, reopening of the borders of the United States, shooting in Russia … The news of this Monday – Liberation

What to remember from the news of this Monday.

The news

Harkis: between apologies and repentance, Macron chooses “forgiveness”. The entourage of the Head of State had promised a “New chapter” about the memory of the harkis, aiming to get out of “Memory ambiguity”, Come in “Unspoken and denial”. There was nothing to suggest, however, that the President of the Republic would ask «pardon», this Monday, to the Algerian veterans abandoned by France at the end of the Algerian war, and to their descendants, welcomed in France in unworthy conditions, “In contempt of all the values ​​on which France is founded”. “To the abandoned combatants, to their families who have suffered camps, prison, denial, I ask forgiveness, we will not forget., declared in front of 3000 guests the Head of State during a reception at the Elysee Palace, before announcing a law of “Recognition and repair” for February. A notable change of foot in the President’s memorial policy, seven months before the presidential election, in the direction of an electorate courted by the right and the far right.

United States lifts restrictions on international travel. The United States will raise “beginning of November”, for vaccinated people, the restrictions that weighed since March 2020 on international travel, and whose maintenance annoyed many of their partners, Europeans in mind. In addition to showing proof of full vaccination against Covid-19, travelers will have to be tested within three days before their trip to the United States and wear a mask, the pandemic coordinator told the White House Jeff Zients at a press conference outlining the new protocol. Assuring that this was a “scientific” decision. But that sounds a lot like a way for the Biden administration to ease tensions with Europe and France following the submarine crisis.

Submarines: history as a diplomatic excuse. Australia has already proven its attachment to France through the sacrifice of its soldiers during the two world wars, recalled Monday the Australian Deputy Prime Minister at the risk of fueling the crisis between the two countries after the rupture of a mega contract for submarines. Canberra’s decision to cancel the € 56 billion purchase contract for the supply to Australia of 12 diesel-electric powered submarines for the benefit of US nuclear-powered submarines prompted the indignation of Paris. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, for her part, judged “unacceptable” the way in which France was treated within the framework of the security pact concluded between the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom.

In Russia, six people die in a shooting. Entirely dressed in black, a student opened fire at a Russian university on Monday morning. The shooting took place at the University of Perm, a city in the Urals located in the west of the country, around 11 a.m. (8 a.m. in France). The assailant was arrested after being injured during his arrest, “Given that there was resistance”, says the Russian Investigation Committee, the police body in charge of the case.

«The Crown» and “The lady’s game”: Netflix wins the Emmy Awards. The Netflix platform obtained on Sunday the consecration that had eluded it for so many years: its production The Crown, which recounts in a fictionalized way the life of the British royal family, won the Emmy Award for “best drama series ” and won all the actor awards in its category. Netflix even managed a double for this 73rd edition thanks to the Game of the lady qui defeated and mate its competitors by winning the trophy for the best miniseries with this planetary success.

Also read on Libération.fr

“Loss of meaning”, “absurdity”: the agents of the public services give the weary. More than 4,500 civil servants responded to the survey of the collective “Our public services” on the loss of meaning in their work. Among them, 80% point to a feeling “Absurdity” recurring in the exercise of their mission.

Suspicion of fictitious parliamentary assistants at the RN: the investigating judges have closed the investigations. The examining magistrates in charge of the investigation into suspicions of fictitious jobs of MEPs assistants of the National Rally (RN) closed their investigations last week. The parties now have three months to make observations and requests for acts before the prosecution’s requisitions and then the final decision of the investigating magistrates on a possible referral to court.

Twenty years of the AZF explosion: ammonium nitrate, so dangerous, so forgotten. The chemical that caused the catastrophe in Toulouse on September 21, 2001 is the same that caused the explosion in Beirut last year. For a century, the disasters caused by this substance used in agriculture have been recurring, without the regulations changing.

Covid: in Africa, the scam without complex at Citroplex. According to information from “Liberation”, a certain Marcos Matute, a former trader converted to drugs, would market an alleged treatment against the coronavirus in Africa. The Citroplex is however only a copy and paste of a product he created in the 2000s, banned in France in 2010 and in Switzerland in 2016.

France recovers nine Picassos, ceded by the painter’s daughter to pay her inheritance rights. Nine works by the famous Cubist painter will join the collections of the Picasso Museum in Paris in April 2022. A gift from his daughter, Maya Ruiz-Picasso, made as part of a tax arrangement.

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