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Lula da Silva is sworn in as president of Brazil and Bolsonaro leaves for the United States

  • Cathy Watson in Brasilia and Matt Murphy in London
  • BBC news

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Supporters of President Lula da Silva appeared in the red Workers Party suit and one of them wore the presidential sash.

Crowds of people gathered in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, in preparation for the inauguration ceremony of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as the country’s president.

The veteran leftist politician, widely known as Lula, also led the country from 2003 to 2010, defeating Jair Bolsonaro in last October’s election.

And he has imposed tight security measures in preparation for the ceremony, which takes place on Sunday, amid fears that Bolsonaro supporters will try to disrupt it.

As for Bolsonaro himself, he will not attend the ceremony, having left Brazil last Friday.

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