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Like Spicy Food? Besides being delicious, here are 5 benefits for health

TEMPO.CO, JakartaSpicy food often appetizing for some people. It turns out that this spicy taste is not only delicious, but there are also health benefits.


Melansir dari Insider, Senin, 2 Agustus 2021, berikut 5 manfaat dari mengonsumsi makanan pedas.

1. Meningkatkan metabolisme


Ahli diet terdaftar dan pendiri Real Nutrition Amy Shapiro mengatakan bahwa makanan pedas dapat meningkatkan metabolisme dengan meningkatkan detak jantung dan menghasilkan panas dalam tubuh. Hal ini menyebabkan seseorang dapat membakar lebih banyak kalori.

Capsaicin compounds in chilli It has many benefits for metabolic health. A 2012 review of 20 studies found that capsaicin can help the body burn about 50 extra calories a day so it can lose weight over a year or two.

Besides that, capsaicin can act as an appetite suppressant, making you feel fuller and consuming fewer calories overall.

2. Improves heart health

Studies have found that spicy foods can improve circulation and lower blood pressure. Capsaicin in particular also reduces inflammation, which has been shown to be a risk factor for heart disease.

Plus, spicy foods can lower cholesterol, according to a small 2017 study. Another 2017 study from the University of Vermont showed a link between heart health and red chili consumption over six years.

3. Reduces inflammation in the intestines

Many people think that spicy food causes an upset stomach, but research shows capsaicin can actually increase blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract and protect against ulcer formation.

“Spicy foods can also act as antioxidants, reducing inflammation and aiding the digestive process by fighting off harmful bacteria that can cause infection,” says Ashlee Wright, registered dietitian at Orlando Health.

4. Increase life expectancy

A large 2015 population study in China found that those who ate spicy food nearly every day had a 14 percent lower risk of premature death than those who ate it once a week.

“This is likely due to its anti-inflammatory effects, improved heart health, and decreased obesity,” said Shapiro. However, this is also accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.

5. Reduce pain

Shapiro explains that the topical form of capsaicin helps block messages to nerves, thereby helping a person reduce the sensation of pain.

“It can also relieve pain from nerve damage, or other skin conditions,” he adds.

Despite its many health benefits, spicy foods can worsen some health problems, such as heartburn. If you are not used to eating spicy food, start by eating less.

Also read: Like Spicy Food? Beware of Dementia Threats

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