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“Like a burst of hope! … ”A golden season 2021/2022 at the Opéra National de Bordeaux.

It is in the Auditorium that a few hundred guests respectful of the imposed distances and particularly attentive to the dawn of a recovery so desired, a new life and the desire to go finally at the show, got together for this beautiful recovery announced. Laurent Croisier Director of Communications welcomes us and leaves the floor to the Mayor of Bordeaux and his deputy for culture, President of the Opera …

Marc Minkowski, General Manager, happy and relaxed introduces us to the young conductor Romain Dumas which brilliantly launches this evening with an extract from his colorful and joyful work, Sonata, – on the program – with part of the ONBA orchestra. Return to speak from the Director ” It is not forbidden to wait and it is always good to hope »Sings Carmen in Act II of the eponymous masterpiece by Bizet. « What a pleasure to meet again after more than a year and a half of an extremely difficult health context! This season opens with one of the most famous pages of French grand opera, with Robert le Diable by Meyerbeer. “You will be amazed! »Then continues on the lyrical ground with the scores of Poulenc, Escaich, Massenet, Donizetti and Mozart, completed by one of the most famous creations of Molière, of which we are celebrating the 400th anniversary. “It’s a surprise we owe you” Appear on the set Jerome Deschamps and Bull-render J.Claude who deliver to us with the talent that we know them this excerpt which theater lovers all remember between the Master of Philosophy and M Jourdain whose famous line “Beautiful Marquise your beautiful eyes make me die of love” etc … Strong applause . The Deputy Directors take their place in their turn: Eric Quilleré, Director of the Ballet of the ONB; Salvatore Caputo, Director of the ONB Choir; Paul Daniel Music director of the ONB (in delayed video) as well as Cecile Oudeyer, Director of the audiences… We will retain For the lyric, La Voix Humaine / Point d’Orgue, finally played in public. The production at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées took place behind closed doors at the start of 2021. The chef Nil Venditti will come to Bordeaux for the first time to conduct L’Elixir d’Amour. The tenor star Benjamin Bernheim will perform his first Werther in a scenic version on the ONB stage. And of course, the Mozart-Da Ponte Trilogy never played in Bordeaux. In recital, the coming to the Auditorium) of Philippe Jarrousky is an event! For the choirs, travel will be the common thread as well as the mixed languages ​​which can and must live together and in harmony …


For the ballets, the new production of La Sylphide à Noël. The ballet Quatre Tendances will see two entries in the repertoire, and a first collaboration for the Ballet with the choreographers Sol Leon and Paul Lightfoot. The other great novelty of this dance season: the world premiere of Angelin Preljocaj’s piece, Mythologies, which will bring together his company and that of the ONB on stage, with a musical creation by Thomas Bengalter. For concerts, the very first will be for children, a design imagined by Rachel Leach of the prestigious London Philharmonic Ochestra, conducted in Bordeaux by Fiona Monbet : “Seek and Find around the World”. The opening of the symphonic season will be with accordionist Félicien Brut. The ONBA is also preparing several jazz-sympho projects, and the jazz season will see prestigious guests such as Marcus Miller and Chucho Valdes. The Christmas concert will invite the jazz pianist Jacky Terrasson, to reach new audiences. The latter will also stay two weeks in situ to offer various highlights. Joseph Pons will come to conduct the Ring without words, a concert never before given in Bordeaux. And many chefs will make their “premieres” alongside ONBA: Nil Venditti, Marta Gardolinska, Manuel Hernandez Silva placeholder image, etc. Also worth noting is the Esprit du Piano festival, which hosts true prodigies, and the long-awaited postponement of the “Monsters and Creatures” edition of the Ciné-Notes Festival. Among the many guests this season at the Auditorium, the Iggy Pop is an event, and great soloists like Simone Lamsma and the Labèque sisters will perform alongside ONBA. Finally, several creations will be offered to the public.


Audiences… Everyone, with special attention to those for whom the Opera is a leap into the unknown. The idea is to make it easier for everyone to come, whether to an opera, a symphonic concert, or simply to push the doors of the Grand-Théâtre for a visit, when the place is still intimidating for some. To carry out all of its public service mission, the Opéra National de Bordeaux relies on a network of essential relay partners, from the various sectors concerned: National Education in the first place but also social work. -cultural, artistic education structures, associations of amateur artistic practices, cultural services of higher education establishments, associations involved in the field of disability … Aware of the impact of the health and economic crisis on the public but also fully committed to strengthening accessibility in all senses of the term of its offer, the Opera will offer:

- A price list without increase compared to 2020/2021, or even with a decrease in the price of the lyrical recital season;

- A more flexible subscription offer to encourage loyal spectators to re-engage from the start of the season: the “CARTE BLANCHE” subscription

- A new, very accessible offer intended to attract new customers: “DARE L’OPERA”. New for this season: the ONB is launching the “Solidarity Tickets”, a sponsorship scheme allowing, thanks to donations (from € 10), to share his passion for the performing arts with those who do not have the chance to. to access.

The subscription campaign will begin on September 1 at 1 p.m. by internet, by phone or at the Grand-Théâtre counters (by appointment). New this season: members of the new Club Opéra * will benefit from a priority reservation up to 72 hours on subscriptions, i.e. early opening from Saturday 28 August.

This beautiful evening of presentation ended with music and the superb soprano voice of Anna Maria Labin in an excerpt from Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte.

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