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Lice and nits: These home remedies help against this

Have you been strange lately Dandruff on your head discovered? Can’t be removed properly and stick to hair? Then you have most likely discovered nits in your hair. They are nits Eggs that put lice in your hair. Children in particular often bring lice home from kindergarten or school.

At first glance, nits can look like scales. But when you take a closer look, it quickly becomes clear: nits cannot be removed from the hair. In addition, nits have a characteristic shape. They are elongated, around 0.8 millimeters in size and stick firmly to the hair. Lice prefer to lay their eggs behind the ears and in the neck.

No matter whether head, felt or clothes lice: All types can be transmitted in close contact between people. Lice can only survive three days without a host. That is, the transfer from an object to a host is rather unlikely. Clothing and cuddly toys are an exception. A distinction is made between these types:

  • head lice cause itching and red spots shortly after they populate the head. Scratching causes the scalp to bleed and infections can develop. The nits are painless. Through this one can diagnose the lice infestation.
  • Pubic lice usually only cause complaints when they have multiplied a lot. Those affected have itching and see the rust-red secretions of the lice on their underwear. The small bite injuries are also noticeable. Where a felt louse bites, blue-gray spots appear.
  • Clothing lice usually bite where the skin has points of contact with clothing. Squishy bites develop that can itch.

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What is the best way to treat lice?

In every pharmacy is there special shampoos and agents that kill lice and their eggs. The active ingredients include Permethrin (Infectopedicul), Pyrethrum (Goldgeist Forte) and Allethrin, which is in spray form as Jacutin Pedicul Spray. These funds are reliable. The nits can be combed out with a narrow-toothed comb. The Robert Koch Institute advises you to repeat this treatment after about eight days.

The school or day care center should also be informed so that the children do not infect each other again. There is no obligation to report, but if you want the lice infestation to be contained, you should let me know.

Panic when cleaning is not necessary. It is important Wash bedding, jackets and hats at 60 degrees. You can also put the laundry in a bag in the freezer for three days lay. After that, all possible lice are dead.

These home remedies help against lice

You will be amazed which remedies can help against lice, because most of them are already at home!

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Popular home remedies: vinegar and oil

A popular home remedy for lice is one Mixture of vinegar and oil. Mix both in equal parts and then spread the mix over the scalp. Massage everything in and leave it on for 20 minutes under a towel. Then you can wash your hair as normal. If animals remain after the first treatment, simply repeat everything again.

Onions against lice

For this treatment you do not need the whole onion, but only its juice or the juice of 1-2 onions. You apply this juice to the scalp. It has to work for four hours before it can be washed out. In this case, it is the bitter substances in the onion that work against the crawling animals.

Miracle cure tea tree oil

Originally from Australia, tea tree oil is a popular home remedy for a wide variety of complaints, including nits and lice. It works best in combination with olive oil. For an effective anti-lice cure, mix four teaspoons of olive oil with one teaspoon of tea tree oil and then apply this mixture again to your head. Then you massage in the liquid. After 15 minutes, comb your hair first and then rinse.

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baking powder

There are two different ways Baking soda to fight lice to use. If there are only a few animals on the head, it is enough to dissolve some baking soda in warm water and then dip the comb in the liquid. The hair is then combed.

If the lice infestation is stronger, you can distribute the solution of baking soda and water directly on the scalp. Rinse them out after ten minutes.

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