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Legendary Italian Actress Claudia Cardinale: A Tribute to a Cinema Icon

Although the focus of his career was his sex appeal, Cardinale was a conservative star: he never struggled to succeed in American cinema, he recognized the his bad English and only Hollywood movies of a certain size such as “The Fabulous World of the Circus”. Her round shapes and big dark eyes were welcomed here with great joy, because here she also filmed “The Petroleum Companies”, in Madrid and Burgos, an incredible western that mixed among her different names as Brigitte Bardot and José Luis López Vázquez, as well as Cardinal, Teresa Gimpera and Patty Shepard.

The Italian Claudia Cardinale received the Tabernas de Cine Award, awarded by the Western Almería Film Festival, for her participation in the famous film “Until her time came”, a film in which she starred under the orders of the spaghetti director ex Sergio Leone and filmed in Taverns. It celebrates the moment of glory seen in the desert of Almería in the 60s and 70s “Leone ended the stylization of his language with this film, which transformed his four main characters, Charles Bronson, Henry Fonda, Jason Robards, Claudia Cardinale and Gabriele. Ferzetti in spaghetti-western imagery.”

Referring to the productions in which she had participated, she said that “she was the only woman, among so many men. In fact, in “Until Her Time Came,” Cardinale was the only woman in the cast, hanging out with the legendary Charles Bronson, Henry Fonda, Gabriele Ferzetti and Jason Robards.

CC was born in Tunisia (1938), but with Italian nationality. However, it was not easy for him to go far: Gina was already there. Lolobrigida and Sophia Loren.

She was one of the great actresses in European cinema. He worked with Sergio Leone, Luchino Visconti, Mario Monicelli and Federico Fellini, participating in legendary titles such as “The Leopard”, “Eight and a Half”, “Mussolini’s Lover”, among many others.

One of his last appearances in the cinema was in 2012, in the Fernando Trueba film “The Artist and the Model”.

In 2014 she returned to Almería to take part in the Bulgarian production, “Once Upon a Time in the West”, where she played herself on a tour of the places where she filmed her films.

CC has gone down in history as one of those stars that They ‘warmed up’ the social outlook of Europe. Some of his lovers were Marlon Brando, Marcello Mastroianni and Alain Delon, when sex was not ubiquitous and viewers could only see it in the cinema.

“I came to cinema in the 60s, when it was something good. I have shot more than 130 films. When I was little I wanted to be an explorer and, in some ways, I have been. I don’t regret anything I’ve done. There is a word in Arabic, a letter, poem’; If you did it, it’s because you had to. “I’ve been lucky.”

Brigitte Ann-Marie Bardot, Paris (1934). She is an actress, singer, writer. Fashion icon and sex symbol of the mid-20th century, as well as being an animal rights activist. She has been supported by celebrities such as Isabelle Adjani, Kim Basinger, Tippi Hedren, Ursula Andress and Johnny Hallyday. He even asked King Felipe VI and the Government to “immediately and urgently” abolish dog hunting, a practice he described as “cruel, barbaric” and “disgraceful”.

In 1984 she said goodbye to full nude for Playboy magazine, it can be said that BB went through the cinema as a shooting star. Developed over 20 years, its filming began in 1952 with Jean Boyer. But it was her first husband, Roger Vadim, who made her the biggest erotic legend of her time. His first calling and song was dance. In 1949 she was already a model for Elle magazine.

An exceptional actress in the first films, before she appeared in “And God Created Woman” she participated in fifteen productions. But it is by giving life to the last Juliette Hardy that film buffs turn her into the legend that she would be until the end of her career. Her figure, her perfect anatomy, her girlish looks and her self-confidence make BB the first muse of the Nouvelle Vague. The international fame of the actress – in the United States, she became the most famous French actress – greatly contributes to the spread of the new screen in her country.

Already retired in Saint-Tropez, she became one of the first champions of the cause of animal rights and the extreme right of France. Her fourth husband, Bernard d’Ormale, was an adviser to Jean-Marie Le Pen and Brigitte Bardot did not hide her sympathy. Outspokenly against the Islamization of France, she was convicted up to five times for inciting racial hatred.

Months after filming “The Oil Companies”, I returned to Almería to film “The Rum Boulevard” (1971) from the director Robert Enrico, next to Lino Ventura.

Line from “Rum Boulevard”: The one where the boat sinks and the sharks circle the wreck ready to devour her, the BB clings to the mast and waits death sings “Plaisir d’amour.

Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot was carved as an erotic legend of the 50s and 60s because of her talent and lifestyle. Promise of broken taboos. A girl’s release from guilt at a time when society was unyielding in its expectations of a woman’s role.

BB came to film the film “Shalako” (1968), by Edward Dmytryk, with Sean Connery. He was not so friendly. Very different from her, who was not only accepted by the local gypsies, but also caused the town’s stores to be filled with curious onlookers every time. she went to buy something in the streets of Almeria.

BB took Almería as a vacation spot where he could give free rein to his spontaneity.

In the film “Jewelers of the Moonlight”, directed by Roger Vadim, together with Stephen Boyd and a small donkey that became famous, which he put in his one room. She was like that. He ended his career in 1974.

Marlene Dietrich’s sex appeal, Ava Gardner’s glamor, Brigitte Bardot mixes all these explosive ingredients, and adds a touch of personal flair.

2024-05-11 21:12:17
#Women #cinema #III #Legends #erotic #cinema #filmed #Almería #Claudia #Cardinale #Brigitte #Bardot

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