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Latest Insider build of Windows 11 brings something new to the Start Menu

The Start Menu was one of the areas that received the most new features with Windows 11. It is more modern and more adjusted to the operating system, with many changes that go beyond the aesthetic part.

This is a work that is still in progress and that should change in the future. A major change arrived with the latest Windows 11 Insider build and focuses on the Start Menu to make it even better.

A build Insider preview 22579 do Windows 11 arrived last friday and focuses on bringing some more novelties to be tested in this system. These will be evaluated and improved, and then included in an update to be released by Microsoft.

The most visible and significant part of this build improves Windows 11 and the Start Menu even further. After a recent version was given the possibility to create folders in this area by dragging the icons, there is now one more improvement.

Windows 11 Start Menu Microsoft New Folders

Starting with this version, users can further customize the new Start Menu app folders. What you can do is change the name of these folders, in order to make them more personal and personalized.

To do so, just open the folder and then click on the name that is automatically assigned. Thus, it is editable and ready to be changed to the user's taste. When clicking outside, the name will be assumed to be the one assigned.

Windows 11 Start Menu Microsoft New Folders

This ability to create folders and manage the apps present in the Start Menu in more detail was something that many had been asking for for a long time. Microsoft prepared this change and is now testing this novelty more directly, which should soon be generalized.

The changes that have reached this element do not seem to be consensual. Many users insist that the Windows 10 offering beats what Microsoft has created for Windows 11, especially as it is simpler to use and manage for everyone.


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