Home » today » Entertainment » Jonas Van Geel and Evelien Bosmans split up after eight years: “It is with a heavy heart that our journey ends”

Jonas Van Geel and Evelien Bosmans split up after eight years: “It is with a heavy heart that our journey ends”


Jonas Van Geel (37) and Evelien Bosmans (32) broke up after a relationship of eight years. They let you know on social media. The couple welcomed a son, Charlie, in June 2019.

Source: Instagram

Actor and presenter Jonas Van Geel and actress Evelien Bosmans put an end to their relationship after eight years. They both shared the same message on their Instagram: “With a heavy heart, after 8 years our journey comes to an end. We each go our own way, it goes well with us”.

“I also sometimes consider that any relationship can end sooner or later, including ours”, had Evelien recorded in this newspaper two years ago. “That may sound very down-to-earth, but in a way it’s also romantic. Because Jonas and I ask ourselves every day whether it is still nice. We go for the highest achievable. I myself am a child of divorced parents. Now that I have a child of my own, I want to avoid that scenario. So I will fight until I drop, although I will never be able to settle for something less.” Unfortunately, the couple is now breaking up.

Evelien never believed in eternal love. Yet six months ago she still firmly believed in her relationship with Jonas. “I know one thing for sure: that I will be forever and always connected with Jonas, and that I am very happy about that,” she responded in Humo. With that connection, Evelien is probably talking about their son Charlie.

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