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Lana Del Rey in a mesh mask. Fans: You’re irresponsible

Lana Del Rey decided to organize a fan meeting where she read excerpts from her poetry as part of the promotion of the recently released book “Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass”. The event was to take place with all the restrictions resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.

Lana was in a specially designated area, she passed from the fans. Unfortunately, the mask that Del Rey wore became an internet hit. The protection against COVID-19 infection was made of mesh and was not really fit for purpose – it did not protect against the virus.

Outraged internet users immediately attacked the singer, who, in their opinion, exposed her fans to the risk of infection. “I don’t believe that you can know so little and be so irresponsible” – wrote one of Twitter users under the photo. “I knew that she does not shine with intelligence, but I did not know that she is so stupid” – added another Internet user.

Her sister stood up for the singer, who decided to respond to negative comments. She claimed that Lana was keeping her social distance, “and” tested negative for COVID. “These words infuriated Internet users even more, and they also quickly attacked the star’s sister.

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