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Kyiv attack on January 14, 2023 – analysts admitted where the S-400 missiles could have been fired from

Analysts from “Belarusian Guyun” shared their assumptions. They reacted to the publication from Defense Express. It said that the enemy attacked Kyiv with S-400 missiles from the airfield in Zyabrovka.

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No launch data

First of all, analysts decided to emphasize once again that on January 14 did not receive any data on missile launches from Belarus. Moreover, during the next few days, when the enemy also attacked the capital, launch data was also missing. In addition, there was no information about the overflight of missiles from residents of border areas bordering the Kiev and Chernihiv regions.

Analysts also noted that it is simply impossible to launch S-400 missiles from the airfield in Zyabrovka without a trace. This is related to the fact that in some 10 kilometers Gomel is located. About 500 thousand people live in this city. And there are dozens of villages around the airfield.

Was it possible to launch rockets “quietly”

Analysts noted that there is no single answer to this question. In “Belarusian Gayun” they refer to the Ukrainian military, who have one more assumption. According to him, the invaders could attack Kyiv from the Belarusian part of the Chernobyl zone. No one lives there, so no one should have been informed about the launch of a S-400 missile.

Therefore, if we talk about whether it could have been launched so that no one would hear it, there is only one area in Belarus where this could happen. This version cannot be ruled out.
analysts say.

The launch could have been from the Bryansk region

This is another assumption made by analysts. They believe that the occupiers could attack Kyiv from the settlement, located near Zyabrovka – in the Bryansk region of Russia.

And there is a logical explanation for this. If there were no reports of missile launches from Belarus, then there were still reports from the Bryansk region. For example, around 7 am residents Klintsev, Vyshkov, Pochep, Klimovoy, Novozybkov, Bryansk region talking about explosions. It is known that they were heard later, at 10:29, but already in Klinets and Unechi.

There was a rumble and then an explosion, at that moment I was on the street. It is possible to launch missiles from aircraft,
the townspeople said.

It should not be ruled out that the enemy could attack the capital on January 14 precisely from the Bryansk region. And this is clearly demonstrated by the map left by analysts.

Kyiv on January 14 could have been attacked from the Bryansk region / Map “Belarusian Gayun”

Recall that fragments of missiles with the index 48N6DM were found on the territory of Ukraine. He says that they released them from the S-400 air defense system. This is an improved version of the S-300, capable of hitting a greater distance. Such missiles can overcome 230 – 250 kilometers.

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