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“Kristaps the Great” ceremony; best animated film – “My favorite war” / Article / LSM.lv

On Sunday, November 15, the best films and professionals in the film industry will be awarded at the solemn ceremony of the National Film Award “Great Kristaps”.

Spectators can watch the live broadcast of the ceremony in full on the public media portal LSM.lv from 7.30 pm, but from 9.10 pm – also live on LTV1.

In general, prizes will be awarded 21 categories. Several special awards will also be presented, including the LSM.lv audience award, but the lifetime contribution to Latvian cinema will be honored. cinematographer Kalvi Zalcmani.

The ceremony is led by actress Inga Alsiņa-Lasmane and actor Āris Matesovičs, and the festive evening with the slogan “The Great Kristaps Survives” is different this time than usual.

Communication with the prize winners from the four “cinema headquarters” is provided by the correspondents of “Lielā Kristaps” – actors Jānis Kronis, Reinis Boters, Ance Strazda and Klāvs Mellis.

(Live text – the list of winners is being updated.)

Laureates of “Kristaps the Great”

The best debut film

The best debut film of the last film season was announced at the ceremony. The award was received by the criminal drama of director Reinis Kalvins “Change“, which tells about one dangerous night in the life of a taxi driver Marek.


  • Song Chamber Mystery “I, going to war …” – director Aleksandrs Okonovs, “Lauska”, producer Aiga Bokanova
  • Change“- director Reinis Kalviņš,” Mistrus Media “, producer Gints Grūbe, co-produced” Picture House “
  • To be beautiful“- director Andra Doršs,” Epata Studio “, producer Antra Gaile, co-produced by Latvian Television

The best cinematography in a documentary

The award for the best cinematography in the documentary “Big Kristaps” was presented by the jury representative and cinematographer Kaspars Braķis to Harald Ozols and Ivars Zviedris for their work in the film “Wearer“.


The best documentary director

Liene Linde and Armands Začs received the award for the best documentary film for the film “Presence“.


The best work of an animation artist

Jury representative Ieva Viese-Vigula announced the winners in the animated film categories. Kārlis Vītols received the award for the best work of an animation artist for his work in film “Swan maiden“.


  • Kristīne Jurjāne, Toms Burāns (“Sister’s Dust”)
  • Svein Nyhus, Krišjānis Ābols, Laima Puntule (“My favorite war“)
  • Kārlis Vītols (“Swan maiden“)

The best animated film directing

Ilze Burkovska-Jakobsen received the award for the best animated film directing for the film “My favorite war“.


The best student film

This year, the traditional lamp, which serves as a recognition for the best student film, was awarded to director Alise Zariņa for the film “Two Stripes”.


  • “Two Stripes” – director Alise Zariņa, Latvian Academy of Culture
  • “Deviation” – director Kate Rasa Ozola, Latvian Academy of Arts
  • “Dream Spring” – director Rūta Znotina, Latvian Academy of Culture
  • “Suspension Prima” – director Georgs Harijs Āva, Latvian Academy of Arts
  • “Shambala” – director Kristaps Opincāns, Latvian Academy of Culture

The best sound direction

Ludwig Bohadlo and Robert Slezac won the laurels for the best sound directing this year for their work on the film “City by the river“.


The best assembly mode

Gatis Belogrudovs (the film “Blizzard of souls”).


The best case scenario

The head of the National Film Center Dita Rietuma announced that this year the jury awarded the prize for the best screenplay to Viesturs Kairišs – films “City by the river”To the author of the script.


Special awards

This year, the FIPRESCI Prize of the International Federation of Film Critics and Journalists received the film “Presence” by director Liene Linde and Armands Začs.

The newspaper “Diena” was awarded a special prize for two films – Laila Pakalniņa’s film “The First Bridge” and Anna Zača’s and Nila Skapāns’ film “All my friends are dead”.

In turn, the special prize of the publication “Kino Raksti” went to the cinematographer of the film “What Knows the Silent Gerda” Andrejs Rudzāts.

Cinematographer Andrejs Rudzāts also received a special award from the “Big Kristaps” jury – a letter of commendation – for the film “What Silent Gerda Knows”.

Vineta Verika, the Chairman of the Board of “Rīgas Namu”, presented the “Rīgas Namu” special prize in 2020 at the Splendid Palace cinema for the most watched film – “Soul Blow”

The best music

The representative of the jury, the former director of the Lithuanian Cinema Center Rolandas Kvietkauskas announced the winners in the category “Best Music” – the award went to the films “Blizzard of souls“composed by Lolita Ritmanis.


The best work of a makeup artist

Films for the best work of a make-up artist this year “Blizzard of souls”Make-up artist Dzintra Bijubena.


The best costume designer work

Kate received the award for the best costume designer for her work on the film “What does Pacific Gerda know“.


The best work of the artist

In the category “The best work of an artist” laurels were picked by films “What does Pacific Gerda know”Artist Jurģis Krāsons.


The best cinematography in a feature film

The award for the best cinematography in the feature film went to the films “Blizzard of souls”Operator Valdis Celmiņš.


Lifetime Achievement Award

The Great Kristaps received a cinematographer, teacher, honorary professor of the Latvian Academy of Culture for his lifetime contribution to Latvian cinema this year. Kalvis Zalcmanis.

His colleagues write about this year’s winner: “In the documentary, the cameraman’s sensitive contact with the world and ability to see artistic images in the reality of life has a special specificity, but not all members of the profession have this ability to the same extent. We often call the Riga Documentary Film School a legendary one – a special period in the history of Latvian cinema, when a whole group of like-minded people worked in a unified and equal style, creating films that are important not only in Latvia. One of the most stable pillars of this group is the cinematographer Kalvis Zalcmanis, who has noticed a significant anniversary and the award for a lifetime contribution is really deserved. ”

The best short documentary

The best short documentary of the last film season was named by Lithuanian film director, Arūnas Matelis, a representative of the “Big Kristaps” jury.

The award went to the film of director and producer Laila Pakalniņa “The first bridge“shot on motion pictures purchased in 1997 and accidentally found in 2018.


  • Afigenna“-” Documentary “, producer Ivars Zviedris
  • My dear Don“-” Raccoon Hands Productions “, producer Pauls Dombrovskis
  • Hike’44“-” Tritone Studio “, producer Zane Sietniece, co – producer Latvian Television
  • The first bridge“-” Company Hargla “, producer Laila Pakalniņa

The best feature documentary

The film of director and producer Ivars Zviedra was recognized as the best full-length documentary “Wearer“, which tells about life on the Latvian border and practitioners of a new, peculiar profession, who have been called” wearers “.


The best animated film

The title of the best animated film went to director Ilze Burkovska-Jakobsen’s animated documentary about the rise during the Cold War “My favorite war“.


  • Swan maiden“-” Air Productions “, producer Līga
  • My favorite war“-” Bivrost Film, Ego Media “, producer Trond Jacobsen, Guntis Trekteris
  • “All my friends are dead” – “VFS Films”, producer Uldis Cekulis

Audience Award

This year, 13 films competed for the Audience Award, which was recognized by the selection committee as the best in the categories of feature films, animated films and documentaries.

Almost half of all audience votes were won and the audience of the public media portal LSM.lv received the award for the best performance of the year in cinema “Blizzard of souls”.

The best acting in the role of a background

This year, the selection committee did not single out the best female and male actors, as women have hardly played a leading role in the films. Instead, awards were presented in the joint nominations “Best Actor in a Leading Role” and “Best Actor in a Leading Role”.

Brigita Cmuntova received the award for the best acting in the background “Zisele’s role in the film”City by the river“.


The best acting in the lead role

Dāvis Suharevskis received the award for the best acting in the lead role in Ansis’ film “City by the river“.


The winners will also be announced in the nominations:

The best feature film

  • Blizzard of souls“-” Kultfilma “, producers Inga Praņevska, Dzintars Dreibergs
  • What does Pacific Gerda know“-” Nida Filma “, producer Jevgenijs Paškēvičs, co-produced” Studio Locomotive “
  • City by the river“- Ego Media, producer Guntis Trekteris, co-producer” 8Heads Productions “(Czech Republic),” Artbox “(Lithuania)

The best feature film directing

  • Dzintars Dreibergs (“Blizzard of Souls”)
  • Viesturs Kairišs (“City by the River”)
  • Yevgeny Pashkevich (“What Silent Gerda Knows”)

The best acting in the lead role

  • Otto Brantevics (“Blizzard of Souls”)
  • Agnese Cīrule (“City by the river”)
  • Andris Keišs, Jānis Skutelis, Egons Dombrovskis (nominated as an ensemble; “Cinema and We”)
  • Edgars Ozolins (“Change”)
  • Dāvis Suharevskis (“City by the river”)

This year, 65 films were nominated for “Kristaps Lielais”, as usual, they were first evaluated by the National Film Award Selection Commission, which nominated 3 to 5 films in each category, but the winners are selected by an international jury of film director Juris Poškus, cinematographer Kaspars Braķis from Latvian Cinematographer guilds, actress and director Elita Kļaviņa, animation researcher, “FIPRESCI Latvija” representative Ieva Viese-Vigula, film producer and representative of the Latvian Film Producers Association Aija Bērziņa, as well as former director of the Lithuanian Film Center Rolandas Kvietkauskas and Lithuanian film director Arūns Matelis.

This year, the National Film Award “Great Kristaps” will be presented for the 32nd time. The National Film Award “Kristaps the Great” is organized by the Latvian Cinematographers’ Union in cooperation with the National Cinema Center and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.

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