Home » today » Entertainment » Krisdayanti wears Anne Avantie kebaya on Akad Atta-Aurel, like a princess palace

Krisdayanti wears Anne Avantie kebaya on Akad Atta-Aurel, like a princess palace


Marriage contract procession Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah also attended Krisdayanti. For this special moment, Aurel’s birth mother returned to wearing a kebaya designed by Anne Avantie.

At the event which took place at the Raffles Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday (3/4/2021) afternoon, the nuclear family was compact in pastel nuances. Likewise Krisdayanti who relies on kebaya Anne Avantie.

“So, I made the marriage contract peach in color. The cut was new, like a palace princess from Solo,” said Mother Anne, as she is usually called, to Wolipop.


According to Anne Avantie, Krisdayanti who has been a client for the last 20 years fits perfectly into the keraton-style kebaya. Not because of the inevitable diva aura, but also Javanese blood flowing thickly through his body.

“I really understand what’s right for her and how I can make something for her without leaving the roots of the nation’s culture, but sticking closely to her style as a diva,” she said.

“However, if it’s too much, it’s not good, if it’s not quite right. But I see it, if you wear kebaya, it’s really Javanese. That means it’s very Jawane,” added the designer from Semarang.

Apart from the kebaya for the contract, Anne Avantie also prepared a maroon dress with a contemporary ethnic style for Krisdayanti to wear at the reception. Previously, the singer of ‘Counting Days’ was wearing a ‘butterfly’ kebaya at Aurel and Atta’s application program.

In the procession of the contract, Krisdayanti’s appearance was more complete with make-up from makeup artist the famous Dhirman Putra and the hairdos in which the bun is his masterpiece hairstylist Yudin.

Krisdayanti’s makeup for her daughters’ contracts, Aurel Hermansyah, and Atta Halilintar. (Photo: Instagram / @ dhirmanputra)–

Through an upload on Instagram, Dhirman Putra shows Krisdayanti’s beautiful face that has been decorated by him. Raul Lemos’ wife looks so beautiful in the twist of makeup by the makeup artist’s subscription to the celebrity.

“Mother Of The Bride @krisdayantilemos,” wrote Dhirman Putra in an upload on his Instagram account @dhirmanputra, Saturday (3/4/2021).

Krisdayanti’s photo on Dhirman Putra’s Instagram was flooded with praise comments from netizens, including celebrities. Starting from the artist Ririn Ekawati to Melly Goeslaw praising KD’s beauty that looks mangling.

“Very beautiful masyaAllah,” wrote Ririn Ekawati. “Cuantiiiiii pooool,” wrote Melly Goeslaw. “LOVE LOVE LOVE THE MAKEUP! Wrote Titi DJ praising Krisdayanti.


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