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Knowing the 3 types of body fat, which is the most dangerous?

TIME.CO, JakartaLemak in the body it is considered the same. In reality there are various types and it is important to know the difference because each has a different role. Humans need fat to provide energy, protect organs, and absorb nutrients, but too much of it isn’t healthy.

Experts reveal the differences in body fat and call the more dangerous types.

1. White fat

Christopher McGowan, gastroenterologist and founder of True You Weight Loss, says white fat or fat cells most often represent overall fat. White fat is found under the skin (subcutaneous) and around organs (visceral). The main function of white fat is the storage of energy. At the time of consuming excess calories, fat cells store energy in the form of triglycerides. During fasting, triglycerides are broken down through lipolysis to provide energy to the body. White fat also contributes to metabolism and weight regulation by producing key hormones such as leptin, an important hormone in regulating satiety and weight ”.

These fat cells are said to play an important role in cognitive decline and neurodegeneration.

Subcutaneous and visceral fat are both white fat. Dr Gabriela Rodríguez Ruiz, a board-certified bariatric surgeon, added: “Subcutaneous fat is a layer of fat under the skin that can be pinched. This type of fat may be more visible in some areas, such as thighs, hips, and buttocks. “Although subcutaneous fat is not as dangerous as visceral fat, excessive accumulation of subcutaneous fat can still lead to health problems such as diabetes and heart disease,” she said.

2. Brown fat

McGowan explains, brown fat is tasked with generating heat to protect against hypothermia in cold environments. The presence of mitochondria, which generate heat, gives it a brown color. Brown fat is more abundant in infants and decreases with age. “In adults, brown fat is found mainly in the interscapular (between the shoulders) and perirenal (around the kidneys) areas. Unlike white fat, brown fat can actually protect against obesity and metabolic diseases,” McGowan said. .

3. Lemak beige

McGowan says creamy fat is a combination of white and brown fat. Also known as “brite” fat (white chocolate), cream fat is made up of white fat interspersed with brown fat cells. Cream fat is found in areas similar to white fat, such as the subcutaneous tissue. “Beige fat is dynamic and can shift to a concentration of white or brown blood cells in response to certain triggers, such as low temperatures, stress and exercise,” says McGowan.

McGowan pointed out that fat itself is actually harmless. In all forms, fat is an important component of metabolism, energy homeostasis and hormone production. However, the excess fat mass of the white blood cells causes the condition obesity. “Obesity is a fundamental cause of many health conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and various types of cancer,” she said.

Rodríguez Ruiz also said that visceral fat or Belly fat The most dangerous because it surrounds the organs and can cause insulin resistance and inflammation. This is because visceral fat is linked to high levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and free fatty acids they contain

Dimitar Marinov, assistant professor of Hygiene and Epidemiology, said white blood cells can be harmful depending on the area they are stored in and the amount of fat that accumulates in them. White blood cells make up 3 types of fat: essential fat, subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Essential fats are harmless because they help support the structure of the brain, nerves and internal organs. It has a protective function and helps keep organs fit and in correct position.

Visceral fat is a dangerous type of fat and is also made up entirely of white blood cells. Meanwhile, the subcutaneous fat is mainly composed of white blood cells. Too much subcutaneous white fat can carry the same risks as visceral fat.


Read also: 3 tricks to burn more fat while walking

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