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King Corbin unhappy with WWE over rival Matt Riddle

It was expected that WWE would wear a thick veil regarding the accusations made against Matt Riddle, attached to the #SpeakingOut movement. “The Original Bro” aims to be one of the big names in the company’s blue brand, and this was proven last week, when it beat AJ Styles cleanly in its debut.

And yesterday, the momentum to Riddle continued to play out on Friday Night SmackDown, though now at the expense of King Corbin, who received not only an attack from the ex-MMA, but also took his way via Big E and Braun Strowman, after losing against Jeff Hardy in a heads up.

Riddle will maintain his first rivalry within the McMahonlandia main cast with Corbin. Hostilities that go back months ago, as we remember that Corbin eliminated Riddle from 5 vs. 5 men’s Survivor Series 2019 and did the same in the last Royal Rumble.

But According to Gary Cassidy of Sportskeeda, “The Lone Wolf” would not be very enthusiastic about the program that he will have to do.


► Matt Riddle would not have sufficient status for King Corbin

“Sources have indicated to me that, although the plan is that there a rivalry Matt Riddle vs. Baron Corbin, Corbin learned of these plans recently and was not very happy about them, insisting that Riddle should have defeated five improvement talents before facing him.».

“In the meantime, Baron Corbin’s plan to be Matt Riddle’s first big rival outside of NXT takes time, and this is illustrated by Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble.

«Plans for Riddle to debut on SmackDown and work with Corbin were accelerated last March.».

It is possible that in the coming weeks a Riddle vs. Corbin to the poster of Extreme Rules 2020. We will continue to be attentive in SUPER FIGHTS to any news about it.

King Corbin

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