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Kim distances himself from Antoine in MAFS: ‘Fall from pink cloud’

Things have been rough with Antoine and Kim since the honeymoon. Especially with Kim, doubts are gaining ground. She struggles with her feelings and therefore withdraws, creating a distance. “Of course it has been a pretty intense week. Had a bit of ups and downs so it is no longer possible for a while,” she says emotionally in front of the camera. “Normally I am very good with my words and I know exactly what I want to say. The last two days I haven’t.”

Antoine also notices that Kim is not feeling well: “I sometimes feel that myself, that it did not always run smoothly. You talk about something for a while, and then it went dead again. That is that discomfort that I experienced. felt a little bit.”

Despite everything, Kim takes her husband to her aunt, with whom she moved in after her adventure in Tenerife. But once ‘home’ Kim completely breaks down and decides to enlist the help of expert Eveline Stallaart, who indicates that it is not surprising that Kim feels this way.

Kim is now at a point where in her eyes Antoine can no longer do anything right. They decide to take a break from each other and the experiment. Still Kim remains hopeful: “You were on a very beautiful, pink cloud before the wedding and during the wedding and you have fallen slightly from it. But I hope the stairs have not broken and that you can still climb up to to get back to it. (…) Every fairy tale has its low point and ends beautifully too. It does not yet say ‘the end‘ behind, so we’ll see where it ends.”

Birgitte also expresses her doubts after the honeymoon in Porto. Once back on Dutch soil, she takes her new husband Jan aside for a while. “Cohabiting is coming and of course I’m looking forward to it, I want to see where Jan lives and that he sees where I live. And then the doubt sets in whether it is something I want permanently for the future. I certainly don’t have to fill it in yet, but I do have some doubts about that. What I just miss is the butterflies in my stomach, the love.”

Those feelings are completely unexpected for Jan. “I had quite a few plans. Anyway, they are in tatters now”, he says disappointed for the camera. “On the one hand, I think it’s pretty quick that she has decided. I’m just very sorry. (…) I really hoped it would go better.”

For Jan it feels a bit as if he has walked out of the blue. “But the wonders are not the world yet and if we are together for a few days it might turn the other way.”

Married at First Sight is broadcast every Tuesday at 8.30 pm on RTL 4. Or watch the episode ahead at Videoland.

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