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Kendall Jenner and her exercise routine that you can do from home

Kendall Jenner is one of the most sought-after models in the United States and is that the fame of the family Kardashian-Jenner They support her, but family is not everything and the TV star you know, that is why she takes care if she appears with specific exercise routines that allow her to look amazing.

Although it must be said, Kendall Jenner has been accused several times of abusing Photoshop because on more than one occasion she has shown an ultra-slim and unrealistic figure in relation to the bodies of normal women, so it has even been said that it promotes female role models causing harm to women’s health.

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And although we cannot deny that the businesswoman He has spent more than one occasion editing his body, without a doubt he sports a slim body derived from his exercise routine created by his trainer Gunner Peterson, which can be easily replicated at home and without the need for sophisticated devices.

Work out

According to MDZ, the routine of Kendall Jenner It includes several exercises, but here are some that can be done from the comfort of your home and without the need to invest a lot of money in devices or accessories since you can do them with what you already have at home or adapt them to your possibilities.


like the 25-year-old American businesswomanYou can do the so-called push-ups, which consist of lying on your stomach, on the floor, resting your arms next to your chest and it will be enough to raise and lower your body straight with the palms supported while the feet touch lightly with the tips.


Squats help keep your legs, buttocks and abdominal muscles in shape and so you can show off your firm rear in the Kendall Jenner style, you only need to stand up, open the compass and accommodate your feet at shoulder height, then you have to bend your knees and go down with your back straight.

Sit-ups on a bike

Like Kylie Jenner’s sister, you can pay special attention to the abdomen with a bicycle exercise, all you need to do is lie on your back on a mat and lift your torso while doing a movement similar to what you do when you walk in bike.

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Dumbbell lifting

An exercise that helps a lot to tone the arms is the lifting of dumbbells, you just have to buy some of minimum weight to start and hold one in each hand while raising your arms and pushing them forward and then down. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can do it with 600-milliliter plastic bottles filled with seeds.

Tuck jumps

Of course, the jumps could not be missing in the routine of the star of Keeping Up With the Kardashians And what better than to do them simply, you only need to place your feet at shoulder height and jump in such a way that the feet reach chest height, you can start from less to more if you are a beginner.

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