Home » today » News » Iran has declared that it’ll not go into battle if Israel doesn’t assault – 2024-05-21 18:45:14

Iran has declared that it’ll not go into battle if Israel doesn’t assault – 2024-05-21 18:45:14

/ world at the moment information/ The armed forces of Iran won’t enter into battle within the occasion of the beginning of floor operations by Israel within the Gaza Strip, if Tel Aviv doesn’t assault Iranian territory, the mission of the Islamic Republic to the United Nations introduced.

“Iran’s armed forces won’t take part on the situation that Israeli apartheid dare not assault Iran, its pursuits and residents. The Palestinian resistance entrance can defend itself,” the diplomats mentioned when requested if the nation supposed to intervene within the state of affairs.

On the finish of final week, the ISNA company quoted the advisor to the supreme chief of the Islamic Republic, Main Common Rahima Safavi, who famous that Tehran helps the rocket assaults of the Palestinian motion Hamas in opposition to Israel.

On the similar time, the pinnacle of the US Division of Protection Lloyd Austin emphasised that there isn’t a info in Washington about potential participation of Iran in planning or finishing up an assault on the Jewish State.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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