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Kantēns Dipjē: Trīspadsmit filma par Dalī – jauns komikss.

Exploring ​the Depths of Creativity​ with Director ‍Kantēns Dipjē

Working with actress Anaisa Demustjē has ‍been a transformative experience for me. Collaborating with actors is never easy, as a director must adapt to their‌ unique styles and find the right way to communicate with them. Anaisa has become like ‌a younger sister to me, and I appreciate her⁤ suggestions, seriousness, and sense ⁣of humor. She embodies her characters⁤ fully, never breaking character, and always brings a sense of authenticity to her roles.⁤ In⁤ our latest⁢ project, she portrays a journalist, guiding us⁢ through the story even‌ when we‍ are unsure of its direction.

Unveiling the Essence of “Daaaaaalī!”

Is “Daaaaaalī!” a surrealist⁣ film? Definitely not! The word surrealism has lost its meaning in today’s world, where everything is labeled as such when it is​ not understood. “Daaaaaalī!”⁣ strives to avoid any labels and offers a different approach to cinema. It is a playful experiment, an attempt to evoke the spirit of Dalí ⁢and embrace the irrationality of art. ⁤It ‌challenges viewers to see‍ things differently and invites them to engage ​with art ‍in its most​ unconventional form.

“My only goal is to make people laugh, dream, and think.” – Kantēns Dipjē

Director Kantēns ⁤Dipjē’s vision is clear in his pursuit of creativity and innovation.​ By pushing boundaries‍ and redefining traditional ⁣norms, he invites‌ audiences to explore new perspectives and embrace the beauty of the unknown. Through his ⁢work,⁣ he encourages us to break free from the constraints of reality and immerse ourselves in ⁢the limitless possibilities⁢ of imagination.

Embracing the Unconventional

In a world where conformity reigns, it is essential to celebrate the unconventional and embrace⁢ the absurd. “Daaaaaalī!” ‍challenges us ‍to ⁢question our perceptions and invites us to see the world through a ⁣different lens. It is a reminder that art is not ​bound by rules or definitions but is a reflection of the human experience in all its complexity.

As we ‍embark on this cinematic‍ journey with Director Kantēns Dipjē and actress Anaisa Demustjē, let us open​ our minds to⁢ the endless​ possibilities of creativity and⁤ innovation. Let us laugh, dream, and think beyond the confines ⁣of reality, and embrace the surreal​ beauty of art in its purest form.

Source: Film⁣ “Daaaaaalī!” promotional materials

Exploring⁣ the Themes of ⁣”Daaaaaalī!” – An Innovative Perspective

Exploring the Themes of “Daaaaaalī!” – An Innovative Perspective

In the​ world of cinema, the collaboration between a director and an actress can often lead to magical results. ⁣Anaisa Demustjē, ​portraying a journalist in the film, brings a ⁤unique charm and depth ⁣to her ⁣character that captivates the audience. What stands out about her performance?

Anaisa has become like a younger sister to me. Working‍ with actors is⁢ not easy; a director must adapt to them, find the right way to communicate, and understand their nuances. Anaisa already knows my working style⁣ well. I appreciate her suggestions, her seriousness, and⁤ sense of humor. She ‌is an actress who doesn’t ⁢just look at herself ⁣from the outside, she doesn’t watch herself act. She has ​a way​ of accepting the unexpected ‍and the improbable, she knows how to be ‍in the moment and never‍ – outside of it. ⁤We follow the journalist portrayed ⁤by Anaisa; she is our guide in this story even when we are unsure of⁢ its direction.

Is “Daaaaaalī!” a Surrealistic⁣ Film?

Definitely⁢ not! That word no longer means anything. Surrealism meant something during Dalí’s ‌time. It was a fight, a desire to change the world, a way​ to ⁢look at it differently. Today,⁢ everything is ⁤surreal ⁢to people. As soon as they don’t understand something, they use that word. Or even worse – the word⁢ “absurd.” “Daaaaaalī!”⁣ tries to avoid any labels. It is a game, an experiment, an attempt to create cinema differently. It is​ a way to evoke the spirit of Dalí and refuse to take things too⁢ seriously. It is an attempt to offer art​ in its most irrational ​form.

“My ​only goal is ‌to make people​ laugh, dream, and think.” -⁤ Conversation with the film director Kantēns Dipjē.

As we delve into⁢ the world of “Daaaaaalī!” and its unconventional approach to storytelling, we are reminded of the power ‍of creativity and imagination​ in cinema.​ The film challenges traditional norms and invites viewers to embrace the‍ unexpected. Through the lens of humor and surrealism, it⁢ opens up ​new possibilities for artistic expression.

By pushing the boundaries of ⁤conventional filmmaking, “Daaaaaalī!” sparks a conversation about ⁣the nature of reality, perception, and the role of art in shaping our understanding of the world. It encourages us to question the status quo and explore alternative‌ narratives that defy logic and reason.

As we navigate the whimsical world of “Daaaaaalī!” ‍alongside Anaisa Demustjē’s captivating performance,⁤ we are reminded of the transformative power of cinema to challenge, inspire, and entertain. Let us​ embrace ‍the absurd, the surreal, and the unexpected, for in doing⁤ so, we may discover new depths of ​creativity and insight.

Source: Official promotional materials of the film “Daaaaaalī!”

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The Art of Surrealism in Modern Cinema

Working with actress Anais Demoustier has ​been a transformative experience for me as a director. Collaborating with actors ‌is not easy, as​ it requires adapting to ⁤their​ unique styles and finding the right way to communicate with them. Anais has become like a younger sister ⁣to me, and I appreciate her suggestions, seriousness, and sense of humor. ​What I admire most about her is​ her ability to fully embody her characters ⁢without ever stepping out of the scene. She brings⁣ a sense of authenticity and ⁤unpredictability to her roles, guiding us through the story even when we are ⁣unsure of its direction.

Anais Demoustier: A⁤ Guiding Light in Daaaaaalī!

In the ⁢film Daaaaaalī!,​ Anais portrays a journalist with depth‍ and nuance, leading the audience through a narrative that defies traditional ​storytelling conventions. Her performance is a ​testament to ​her talent and‍ dedication to her craft, elevating the film to new heights of artistic expression.

Redefining Surrealism in Cinema

Is Daaaaaalī! a surrealist film? Not in the traditional sense. In a world where everything is labeled as surreal or absurd, the film seeks to break free from such categorizations. It is ‌a playful experiment, a bold attempt⁢ to challenge the norms of cinema and offer a new perspective on art. Daaaaaalī! ‍invites viewers to embrace the​ irrational⁣ and engage ⁢with the unknown, echoing the spirit of artists like Dalí who sought to revolutionize the way we perceive the world.

As a filmmaker, my sole purpose is to make people laugh, dream, and think differently. In my conversations​ with fellow director Kantēns Dipjē, we explore the possibilities ⁣of storytelling and the power of cinema to inspire and provoke change. ⁣Together, we strive to push ‌the boundaries of creativity and create⁣ films that ⁢resonate with⁣ audiences on a deeper level.

Let’s‌ continue to challenge the status quo and embrace the surreal in all its forms.

Source: Daaaaaalī! promotional materials

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repeating the same ideas and phrases from the original text, instead, provide ‍a fresh perspective and analysis on⁣ the themes and concepts⁢ presented in​ the film “Daaaaaalī!”.

Exploring ⁤the Depths of ‌Surrealism in‌ “Daaaaaalī!”

Working with​ actress ⁣Anaisa Demustjē in the film⁤ “Daaaaaalī!” has been a transformative experience⁣ for me. Collaborating with actors is a delicate art, requiring⁤ a⁢ deep understanding ⁤and connection. Anaisa brings a unique blend of seriousness and humor to‌ her‌ role, embodying the character‌ of a journalist with authenticity and depth. Her ability to navigate unexpected twists and turns in the narrative is truly ⁢commendable, making her a guiding force in the story even when the path is​ unclear.

Anaisa’s portrayal of the journalist is a testament to her talent ‍and dedication to her craft. She immerses herself fully in the role,‌ never breaking character and always staying true to the essence⁤ of the scene. ⁤As we​ follow her character’s journey, Anaisa leads us through the narrative with grace and‌ poise, captivating our attention and ​drawing us into the world​ of the film.

Challenging the ‌Notions of Surrealism

Is “Daaaaaalī!” ⁤a surrealist⁣ film? The answer is a resounding no. In a world⁤ where everything is labeled as surreal or absurd at the slightest‌ hint of the unknown, the film dares to defy ‍categorization.​ It transcends traditional definitions of surrealism, offering a fresh perspective on the art form and pushing the boundaries of cinematic expression.

The film‍ is a playful ⁤experiment, ‍a bold attempt to capture ⁣the spirit of Dalí and embrace the irrationality of art. By​ eschewing conventional labels and embracing the unknown, “Daaaaaalī!” invites viewers to engage with cinema in a new⁤ and exciting way, challenging them ‌to see beyond the surface⁢ and explore the depths of creativity.

Ultimately, “Daaaaaalī!” is ​a celebration of the unconventional, a testament to the power of art ​to inspire, ⁤provoke, and delight. It is a reminder that true creativity knows no bounds and that the beauty of cinema lies in its ability to transport‌ us to new and uncharted territories of the imagination.

References: Film “Daaaaaalī!” promotional materials

The Art⁢ of Surrealism in‍ Modern Cinema

Working ​with actress Anais Demoustier, who portrays a journalist in⁤ the film, has been ⁢a​ transformative experience for me. Collaborating with‍ actors is not easy, as a director must adapt to their needs,‌ find the right way ⁤to communicate with them, and understand their unique ​perspectives. Anais has become like a younger sister to me. I appreciate her suggestions, her seriousness, and her sense of ​humor. She has a way of ‌accepting the unexpected and the improbable, always staying true to her character. We follow the journalist portrayed by Anais, she is our guide in the story even when we are unsure of its direction.

Exploring the Film “Daaaaaalī!”

Is “Daaaaaalī!” a surrealist film? Definitely‌ not! The term surrealism meant something during Dalí’s time. ⁢It was a movement, a desire to change the world, a different way ​of⁤ looking at things. Today, people use the term‍ “surreal” for anything they don’t understand. Even worse, they use the word ‌”absurd”. “Daaaaaalī!” tries to avoid any labels. ⁤It is a game, an⁣ experiment, ‍an attempt to create cinema differently. It is a way to evoke the spirit of⁢ Dalí and refuse to take⁣ things too seriously. It is an attempt⁣ to ​offer art in its most irrational form.

“My only⁢ goal is to make people ‌laugh, dream, and think.” ⁢- Conversation ⁢with ‌film director Kantēns Dipjē

As ‍filmmakers, our duty is to push boundaries, challenge perceptions, and create art that resonates with‌ audiences on a deeper level. “Daaaaaalī!” embodies this spirit⁤ of ⁣innovation and creativity, inviting viewers to explore the realms ⁣of imagination and embrace the unconventional.

Let’s continue to push the boundaries of cinema⁤ and inspire audiences to see the world in a new light.

Source: Film “Daaaaaalī!” promotional materials

Kur ⁣jūs esat šajā ⁤automašīnā?

Bagāžniekā, protams!⁤ Es neko nevaru darīt, nevaru palīdzēt šajā situācijā. Es nevaru mainīt pasauli. Pat⁢ ja man būtu kāds brīnišķīgs vēstījums, tas nemainītu pasauli. Pasaule ir sačakarēta, un mums ir ⁣tikai viens ceļš –⁢ uz elli. Esmu šeit, ⁤lai ⁣sagādātu jums nedaudz jautrības ‌pirms skumjām beigām.

Vai vienmēr esat tā domājis?

Pirms desmit gadiem biju naivāks. Tolaik domāju, ka taisu filmas katram sinefilam, par kādu uzskatu pats sevi. Tagad ⁣daudz​ kas ir‍ mainījies, es strādāju ātri, uzņemu divas⁣ filmas gadā. Vēlos dalīties savā ⁤priekā un ⁤vēlos, ⁤lai arī citiem būtu jautri. ⁢Man ir savs ‍mākslinieciskais skatījums, kuru raksturo‍ vārdi “jautrība” un “sapnis”. Nezinu, kā to labāk pateikt. Mēs ar jums sarunājamies⁤ angļu valodā, un angliski tas varbūt izklausās muļķīgi, bet es tiešām tā ⁣domāju.

Jūs neticat, ka māksla var⁢ padarīt pasauli​ labāku?

Nē, un tas ir ‌OK. Kad redzu⁤ ko ⁣tādu, kas mani aizkustina, es jūtos labāk desmit minūtes, varbūt divas stundas. Pēc labas filmas noskatīšanās tā paliek manā prātā, teiksim, nedēļu. Tas arī ⁢viss. Nezinu, kas var padarīt pasauli labāku. Cilvēku⁣ attiecībās ir kaut kas ‌disfunkcionāls, pārāk daudz frustrācijas. Nezinu, kas ir nepareizi! Es labprātāk aizbēgšu no tā, lai uzrakstītu scenāriju un uzņemtu filmu, kas‍ jums liks smieties, nevis iegremdēšos pārdomās, kāpēc viss‍ ir slikti.

Vai pievēršat uzmanību saviem sapņiem, kurus redzat naktīs?⁣ Vai reizēm no rīta kaut ko pierakstāt?

Nē, nē, nē, agrāk es to darīju, bet vairs ne. Sapņi ir pārāk personiski. Katrs sapnis, ko redzat,⁤ ir saistīts ar kaut ko personīgu, ar kādu vilšanos vai traumu, ⁣kaut ko, kas jums ir bijis prātā, kad gājāt gulēt. Nezinu, vai esat ⁣to ​pamanījis, ⁤– kad kāds stāsta savu sapni, tas nevienam nav interesanti, jo tas‌ ir pārāk personiski. Cilvēks jums kaut ko ⁤ilgi stāsta: “Tas bija tā un tā, es teicu to un to,​ šis priekšmets bija šeit, un pēc tam mamma atvēra durvis⁣ un⁤ sāka kliegt.”⁤ Jūs skatāties uz šo cilvēku un domājat – nu un?! Sapņa atstāsts ir garš un garlaicīgs. Tas ir interesants tikai tam cilvēkam,​ kurš⁣ to ir redzējis, jo ir saistīts ar viņa privāto telpu. Pārējiem tas nav interesanti, tāpēc ‌savus ⁤sapņus nestāstu un manās filmās to nav.

Būtu⁢ interesanti ‌uzzināt, kuri ir tie mūziķi, režisori, aktieri un citi radošie prāti, kas jūs​ ir ietekmējuši, bijuši jums svarīgi un palīdzējuši jums kļūt par tādu⁤ mākslinieku, kāds esat​ tagad!

Neviens! Mani ir‌ veidojusi un veido mana sieva, jo daudz laika pavadām kopā. Protams, kad biju jaunāks,‌ es it kā mēģināju sevi veidot, klausoties mūziku, es par⁢ kaut ko‌ fanoju, bet neteiktu, kas tas ir ‍bijis pārāk nozīmīgi.

Daudzi jūs pazīst kā veiksmīgu mūziķi, kurš izdevis ierakstus ar vārdu Mr Oizo. Kāda mūzika jums vislabāk patīk?

Manas intereses ir mainījušās, taču pirmais vārds, kas nāk prātā, ir hiphopa apvienība Beastie Boys (tā bija aktīva 1981.–2012. gadā – J. J.). Es biju liels Beastie Boys fans, tikai⁣ nejautājiet – kāpēc. Droši ⁣vien šo ‍mūziķu enerģijas un jautrības dēļ. Tā ir mūzika, kuras uzdevums nav ​būt nopietnai. Beastie Boys vienkārši radīja mūziku, un tā ir lieliska. Viņi ir mākslinieki ar savu vīziju. Galvenais, ka tas viss ⁢bija jautri un viegli. Viņi nemēģināja neko izskaidrot vai kādu pamācīt. Viņi⁢ rakstīja muļķīgus tekstus, lai radītu foršu dziesmu. Viņiem tas⁢ ir izdevies, ‍viņiem ir ​superīgi videoklipi. Man patīk viņu personības‌ un tēli. Noteiktā dzīves posmā grupa Beastie Boys man ir bijusi svarīga. Vecumā no divdesmit līdz divdesmit ⁢pieciem​ gadiem daudz klausījos eksperimentālo džezu, jo tas‌ mani aizveda kaut kur citur, es​ lidoju kosmosā⁤ kopā ‌ar Hērbiju Henkoku, Mailsu Deivisu un citiem klasiķiem.

Vai mūzikā ⁤cenšaties izraisīt klausītājos ⁤līdzīgas sajūtas kā savā kino? Vai tomēr Mr Oizo daiļradei ir cits nolūks?

Nolūks ir viens un tas pats. Esmu izdevis daudz mūzikas, varbūt‌ pārāk daudz. Mani vislabākie skaņdarbi ir nevis tie, kas patīk​ man pašam, ⁣bet ⁤tie, ⁣kas‌ patīk citiem. Tas pats ir ar kino: ja skatītājiem kāda⁤ filma nepatīk, viņiem ir taisnība! Es neveidoju mākslu ​sev. Kad cilvēki ‌smejas, dejo un aplaudē, es viņus ‌dzirdu. Kad viņi saka: “Šī melodija ⁣ir slikta!”, es ⁤dzirdu arī to. Mani vislabākie skaņdarbi ir jautri deju mūzikas gabali. Esmu mēģinājis radīt personiskākas kompozīcijas, bet tās nevienu neinteresēja,⁤ un ‌es to labi saprotu!

Jūs jau teicāt, ka savās filmās nekad neesat personisks, nestāstāt par savām⁣ traumām un ‌bērnības problēmām.

Jā, es nevēlos to ‍darīt. Man arī pašam nepatīk, ja kāds uz ekrāna piedāvā savu dzīvesstāstu.

Taču‍ filmu ⁣autori‌ nereti rīkojas tieši tā.

Tāpēc man īsti nepatīk daudzas filmas! Man ​patīk filmas, kuras ir iztēles radītas. Filmas fantāzijas.‌ Piemēram, manā filmā Daaaaaalī! nekas nav reālistisks, tā nav filma par Salvadora Dalī dzīvi. Tas drīzāk ir veltījums gan viņam, gan ‍Luisam Bunjuelam. Filma ir saistīta ar Dalī, bet tā nav parasta ⁤biogrāfiska filma, kura ‍izskaidro, kas bija Dalī, vai parāda​ kādu konkrētu viņa dzīves posmu.

Esmu mazliet naivs ⁣un uzskatu, ka kino veidošana ir māksla. Tā ‌nav stulba industrija, kurā ir jāpārdod pēc iespējas vairāk popkorna un mūžīgi jātur bērni kā piekalti pie ekrāna. Industrija nepārtraukti kaut ko ražo, ​ražo, ražo,​ un publika skatās, skatās, skatās. Piecpadsmit seriāla Staigājošie miroņi sezonu un vēl, un vēl, un vēl, jo cilvēki taču skatās! Tā⁣ nav māksla, tas ir ⁢kaut kas cits. Apzinos,‌ ka mūsdienās domāt tā, kā es domāju, ir muļķīgi, bet​ ticu, ka kino var būt māksla. Filmai nav jābūt eksperimentālai, lai tā būtu māksla. Cenšos to⁣ pierādīt savā darbā. ‌Vēlos uzņemt mākslinieciskas, radošas ⁤filmas,⁣ kas​ nav eksperimentālas, un vēlos, lai skatītāji ar tām varētu saslēgties.

Jūsu filmās bieži‍ vien ir arī ​viegla retro noskaņa.

Tas ir ⁤tāpēc, ​ka mēs ⁢ar ​sievu esam apsēsti ar XX gadsimta 70. un 80. gadu stilu un estētiku, jo tā mums asociējas ar bērnību ⁤un jaunību. Tajā ir jūtama‍ nostalģija.

Būtu interesanti ⁣ielūkoties jūsu mājās!

Tās izskatās ⁣kā manu filmu ‌uzņemšanas laukums. Mums ir daudz dažādu ⁣vecmodīgu lietu un visa kā… ‍Jā, tas ir cieši saistīts ar to,⁢ ko mēs​ darām. Vide, kurā‌ dzīvojam, noteikti⁣ neizskatās ⁤kā šis bezpersoniskais Parīzes viesnīcas numurs, kurā mēs⁢ ar jums sarunājamies.


Bezmērķīgas dārgumu medības. ⁢Kantēns Dipjē par filmu Daaaaaalī!

Režisors Kantēns⁢ Dipjē komēdiju Daaaaaalī! (2023) piesaka šādi: “Lai uzrakstītu scenāriju un uzņemtu šo ‌filmu, es​ savienojos⁤ ar Salvadora Dalī kosmisko ‌apziņu⁣ un, aizvēris acis, ļāvu tai sevi vadīt. ​Vispirms meistars lika man sapulcināt vairākus izcilus aktierus, kas viņu nospēlētu, – viņa raksturs ir pārāk sarežģīts, lai to ⁢atveidotu ⁣viens cilvēks. Tad mēs kopā apmeklējām Luisu Bunjuelu, lai​ nozagtu dažus tēlus ​un idejas, ⁤tad mākslinieks mani ar varu ieveda savās ciešanu dzīlēs un sapņos. Visbeidzot ⁣es atguvu kontroli pār savu filmu, lai radītu mīlestības apliecinājumu šim cilvēkam. Dalī ir teicis, ka viņa personība ir viņa lielākais meistardarbs. Mana filma pieticīgi stāsta šo stāstu.”

Jūsu filma, šķiet, ir Dalī biogrāfijas ⁤iedvesmota. Vai tāds bija sākotnējais⁢ plāns?

Nē, noteikti⁢ nē! Tā ir filmas būtība – neiespējamība⁤ izstāstīt Dalī stāstu. ⁤Es to ‌nesaku abstrakti vai poētiski. Mana pirmā īsfilma saucas Nefilma/Nonfilm (2002),‍ savukārt Daaaaaalī! nav biogrāfiska filma. ‌Tā nevēsta par Dalī dzīvi. Mēs sekojam žurnālistes gaitām – viņa vēlas intervēt⁤ mākslinieku un uzņemt par viņu filmu. Taču​ katrā tikšanās reizē, katrā⁢ mēģinājumā pārliecināt meistaru runāt viņš⁢ aizbēg,

Exploring the Depths of Creativity with Director Kantēns⁣ Dipjē

My only⁤ goal is to make people laugh, ‌dream, and think. This is the mantra of renowned film director Kantēns Dipjē, whose innovative approach to filmmaking has‌ captivated audiences worldwide. In⁣ a recent conversation with Dipjē, we delved into the underlying themes and concepts of his latest film ‍ Daaaaaalī!, shedding light‍ on the creative process and the essence of surrealism in cinema.

Unveiling the Enigmatic Actress Anaisa Demustjē

Working⁣ with actress Anaisa has been a transformative experience for me. Collaborating with actors is ⁣no easy task, as a ⁣director ⁣must‌ adapt to their unique personalities and find the right way to communicate with them. Anaisa has become like⁢ a younger⁤ sister ⁤to me,⁢ and I admire her suggestions, seriousness, and sense of humor. She embodies her ‍characters with a depth that is truly captivating, never breaking character even when faced with the unexpected. We follow Anaisa’s portrayal of the journalist in Daaaaaalī!, where she‌ serves as our guide through the ⁢narrative, leading us on⁤ a journey ⁤of⁢ uncertainty and intrigue.

Is Daaaaaalī! a Surrealist Film?

Definitely not! The term surrealism has lost its meaning‍ in today’s world, often used to describe anything ‍incomprehensible. Daaaaaalī! strives to defy categorization, offering a playful and ⁤experimental take on cinema. It ‍is a homage to Dalí’s spirit, a refusal to take things too seriously, and an attempt to present art ⁣in its most irrational form.

Daaaaaalī! is a game, an experiment, an attempt to create art in its most irrational manifestation.”

Director Kantēns Dipjē’s vision transcends traditional boundaries, inviting audiences to embrace ​the absurd and⁤ explore the limitless ‌possibilities ⁤of ⁢storytelling. Through his collaboration with the enigmatic Anaisa Demustjē, Dipjē‌ continues to push⁢ the boundaries of​ creativity and challenge conventional norms in filmmaking.

Source: Original Article

er punctuation, and⁢ coherent flow of ideas.

Exploring the Depths of Creativity with ⁢Director Kantēns Dipjē

Working with actress Anaisa Demustjē has ​been a transformative⁢ experience for me. Collaborating with actors is no easy task, as a‍ director must adapt to their unique personalities and find the right approach to ⁢communicate with them. Anaisa has become ​like ⁣a ‌younger sister to me,⁢ and I have come to appreciate her suggestions,⁢ seriousness, and sense of humor. What I admire ⁢most about‍ her is her ability to fully embody her characters,‍ never breaking the illusion even​ when ⁢the unexpected or improbable arises. In our latest film, she​ portrays a ⁣journalist who serves as our guide through the narrative, anchoring us even when the story takes unexpected turns.

Is “Daaaaaalī!” a Surrealistic Film?

Definitely not! The term surrealism held significance during Dalí’s time,⁤ representing a desire to change the world and a different way of looking at reality. Today, people use the term “surreal”‍ whenever they encounter something ‍they don’t understand, diluting its original meaning. Daaaaaalī! seeks to ‍avoid labels and classifications, offering a playful and experimental approach to filmmaking. It is an attempt to evoke the spirit‌ of Dalí and embrace art in its most irrational form.

My sole goal is to make people laugh, dream, and‌ think differently.

Conversing ⁢with filmmaker Kantēns Dipjē reveals a deep commitment to creativity and innovation. His work challenges traditional⁣ norms and invites audiences to engage with cinema in a new light. By pushing boundaries and exploring ‌the ⁣depths ‍of imagination, Dipjē’s films inspire viewers to see the world from a fresh perspective.

“Daaaaaalī!” is not just a film;⁢ it is an invitation to embrace the absurd and celebrate the irrationality of art.

As we navigate the realms of storytelling and visual ​expression, let us remember the power of creativity to transcend boundaries and spark new‍ ideas. Through collaboration and experimentation, we can ⁢continue to push ​the boundaries of cinema and inspire audiences to see the world in ‌a different light.

Source: Original material from the⁣ film​ “Daaaaaalī!”

The Art of⁣ Surrealism in Cinema: A Conversation with Director⁢ Kantēns Dipjē

Working with actress Anaisa Demustjē, who portrays a journalist in‍ the film,⁤ has been a transformative experience for me. Collaborating with actors is not easy, as a director must adapt to ⁣their needs, find the right way to communicate with them, and understand their unique perspectives. Anaisa has ‍become⁢ like a younger sister to me. I appreciate her suggestions, her seriousness, and her sense of⁢ humor. She has ⁢a way of accepting​ the unexpected and the improbable, always staying in character and never breaking ⁣the illusion. We follow the journalist portrayed by Anaisa, she is our guide ‍in this story even when⁣ we are unsure of its direction.

Exploring the Notion⁢ of Surrealism

Is Daaaaaalī! a ‍surrealist film? Definitely ⁣not! The term surrealism ​meant ‍something during‌ Dalí’s time. It was a movement, a desire to change the world, a different ​way‍ of looking at things. Today, everything is labeled as ⁣surreal. As soon as people don’t understand⁣ something, they use ‌this word. Or even worse – the word “absurd.” Daaaaaalī! tries to avoid any labels. It is a game, an experiment, an attempt to⁢ create⁢ cinema​ differently. It is a‍ way to evoke the spirit of Dalí and refuse to take things too seriously. It is an attempt to ‍offer art in its most irrational form.

“My ‌only goal is to make people laugh, to dream.”

As a filmmaker, my aim is to challenge ⁢the norms,‍ to push boundaries, and to create a new cinematic language that ‍speaks to the soul. Through ‍collaboration ‌with talented individuals like Anaisa Demustjē, we can ‍bring stories to life in ways that defy expectations and invite audiences to see the world through a different lens.

Source: Original material from the ‍film⁢ Daaaaaalī!

ds “sirreālisms” tiek izmantots kā attaisnojums tam, ka kaut kas ir nesaprotams vai neloģisks. Mūsu filma ir mēģinājums atgriezt šim vārdam tādu ​nozīmi, kāda tam bija sākotnēji – kā izaicinājums, kā aicinājums ‍domāt ‌citādi, ⁣kā aicinājums redzēt pasauli caur Dalī acīm.

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